
Nicola Kovacs

Nicola Kovacs Position

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Nicola has worked as a teacher for many years. She began her teaching career as a secondary Mathematics teacher in rural NSW then went on to teach a range of curriculum areas including Science and STEM. She also has experience as a primary educator. Throughout her teaching experience, Nicola has been a coordinator for gifted and talented programs, working as a GATLO. She led a highly successful selective gifted and talented program at an ACT Education Directorate school. She is also an advocate for STEM education and has initiated project-based learning and STEM programs within schools where she has taught.

Nicola is passionate about Mathematics education and the importance of the teacher in the formation of ideas about Mathematics. She is now sharing her experience as she lectures and tutors pre-service teachers as a member of the 五月天视频 Education Faculty in the areas of Mathematics Education.

Outside of her teaching profession, Nicola has also completed a Master of Science (Geology) and worked as a Mine Geologist at several gold mines in NSW. She is also a published children’s fiction and non-fiction author and has also written several mathematical texts.

Nicola is a member of the Mathematics Education Research Group of Australasia (MERGA).