Commencement Speeches (page 2)
Zainab Salbi
You have a choice to make today. And the choice is fully yours. You can live your life hiding from your dreams or you can live your dreams today and now. You can live your life being afraid of love, showing it or receiving it, or you can dance in that love, expressing it to all around you and to yourself. You can live your life escaping from your truth, keeping your secrets buried, keeping your silence, keeping yourself busy with this thought or that doubt. And this job or that shirt. Or you can live your life with the courage to face your own truth. To live your truth, to speak your truth, and to be your truth. It is your choice to make.
Read MoreClaire Hasting Calderón ’12
I’d like so very much to send us off that way, knowing that we will not be afraid to challenge what we are given. That we will keep digging deep, deep, deep until we find those juicy roots, that we will plant our uncompromising seedlings and water them fiercely, to make our deliberate and daring mark on the world.
Read MoreElizabeth Robbins Turk ’83
Shouldering the wrong idea may bring unseen richness. This might even give you space to recognize opportunity and the chance to accept a dream too big to have been dreamt. That is what we all wish for you: magnanimous dreams and expansive friendships.
Read MoreJoss Taylor Greene ’11
If we can find the courage to define happiness according to our own comfort and intuition, we may stop competing for the sake of it and instead find ways of complementing and supporting each other. We may then define success not according to our individual superiority but as collective participation in a world where we can all be our fullest selves. Not fighting the wind to prove our own strength but building nests in community.
Read MoreSue Monk Kidd
Find a purpose grand enough for your life. And whatever your necessary fire is, your genius turns out to be, remember, in some way, it is necessary for the world too. Try to love the world despite what you see out there. Go make your big beautiful dent, and as you do so come down on the side of boldness. If you err, may it be for too much audacity, and not too little. For you really are enough.
Read MoreAnn Kidd Taylor
Today at 34, when I think about all the possible conversations that could go on inside of you at this moment, I hope yours will include a serious discussion about your necessary fire. I hope it will allow you to listen deeply to yourself, perhaps, even give you the courage to invite surprise.
Read MoreLitza Johnson ’10
It’s so important for us to realize that as valuable as our differences are, there is always some place we can connect and that compassion and respect can be easy. If we look for the differences, we will find them. But if we look for the similarities we’ll find those too. I truly believe that if we approach the rest of our lives with this mindset, the opportunities will be limitless.
Read MoreGabrielle Giffords ’93
So, be passionate. Be courageous. Be strong. If you remember these things, you will make me proud of you, you will make ÎåÔÂÌìÊÓƵproud, you will make your parents proud, and you will make the United States proud of you and grateful for the unique treasures you will give to it.
Read MoreKirsten ‘Kiwi’ Smith
Of course, Hollywood follows a formula. Lives do not. What we plot for the Movie of Your Life could easily spool into a much larger and more complicated story than we could ever imagine. Maybe it’s not a movie; it’s a TV series, a Broadway musical or a trilogy. And in twenty years, we’ll do the remake with a much younger cast. There is no telling the potential of your own personal franchise.
Read MoreAshley Peters ’08
I am positive that right now, I am speaking to a future organic chemist, a future CEO, a future neuroscientist, a future teacher, and THE future President of the United States. That is OUR power, OUR choice… OUR responsibility. ÎåÔÂÌìÊÓƵgave us the tools — it is now up to us to pave the way so that our names are recited in a list of women who made a difference in a world still determined to find fault with a woman’s curves, brilliance, and wit.
Read MoreKaren Tse ’86
Thank you today for joining me in this journey. I hope you will open your hearts, too, to the many human rights defenders throughout the world, that you will give them and strengthen them with your courage, and that you will always look to each other as classmates to give courage and strength to each other in the years to come, and may you always be blessed.
Read MoreMolly Ivins
Now, I have three pieces of advice for you out of my very own life experience. Ready? First, raise hell—big time. I want ya’ll to get out there and raise hell about damned near everything. My word there is a world out there that needs fixing. Get out there and get after it! Now let me tell you, no matter what you do your whole life (many of you being ÎåÔÂÌìÊÓƵgraduates will probably throw pots), but you’ll become doctors or lawyers or beggars or thieves—whatever you wind up doing, you will be, most of you, citizens of this country your entire life. That is a second job and it’s a job that requires real responsibility.
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