The following 五月天视频 students were named to the dean’s list for the spring 2012 semester at 五月天视频 in Claremont, California. The dean’s list recognizes students who have achieved a grade point average of at least 11 (A-) in four, letter-graded courses in one semester. Out of a total of 868 enrolled students at 五月天视频and 15 enrolled in the Post-Baccalaureate Pre-Medical Program, 294 students qualified for the list.
This list includes students enrolled in courses at the Claremont Colleges, as well as those in Off-Campus Study programs.
Please direct any questions pertaining to this list to the Office of the Registrar at (909) 621-8273.
- Yasmine Sampomaa Acheampong, French Studies, Politics and International Relations
- Edith Jane Adams, Hispanic Studies
- Lauren Elizabeth Ambielli, Art History, French Studies
- Grace Elizabeth Anaclerio, Undeclared
- Jerrika Maria Anderson Edwards, Sociology
- LaThelma Christina Armstrong, Africana Studies, Sociology
- Marie Vanisee Bediones Angeles, English, Philosophy
- Carolyn Marie Angius, History
- Anna Rose Aqua, Art
- Katherine Mack Arenella, Psychology
- Kamyn Gabrielle Asher, Media Studies
- Amira Athanasios, Undeclared
- Kaixin Bao, Undeclared
- Kristen Marsyas Bair, Organismal Biology
- Jessica Nicole Baker, Biology, Psychology
- Madeline Sophia Barnes, Classical Studies
- Annabel Barraza, Latin American Studies
- Sasha Bassi, Legal Studies
- Elizabeth Alice Beem, Environmental Analysis
- Ann Marie Belanger, Neuroscience
- Teesta Bhandare, Undeclared
- J. Bria Biesman-Simons, Anthropology
- Samantha Gail Bishop, Undeclared
- Margaret Renee Leslie Bonaparte, French Studies, History
- Tatiana Emaline Bradley, Mathematical Economics
- Katherine Anne Brastow, Undeclared
- Emma Claire Brillhart, Politics and International Relations
- Colleen Nicole Broderick, Politics and International Relations
- Hanna Frances Brody, Biology
- Genna Lee Brown, Undeclared
- Rachel Marie Brunetti, Undeclared
- Susan Caroline Bryant, Media Studies
- Brianna Cassijean Buhaly, Psychology
- Madeleine Christine Bulkow, Mathematics
- Emily Irene Bulley, Neuroscience
- Natalie Marie Cannon, Self-Designed Major
- Chelsea Elizabeth Carlson, Media Studies
- Juliet MacDonell Carnoy, Politics and International Relations
- Aneliese Isabella Castro, Anthropology, French Studies
- Karen Anabey Castro-Ayala, Legal Studies
- Fabiola Ceja Cervantes, Hispanic Studies
- Nicole Elise Chan, Art
- Dail Elisse Chapman, Biophysics
- Joanne Chern, English
- Electra Chong, Undeclared
- Rona Chong, Undeclared
- Michelle Mossy Christovich, English
- Sara Myung-Su Chun, Art
- Alexa Rebecca Clark, Economics
- Emily Grace Cole, Environmental Science
- Jane Alexandra Condon, Undeclared
- Tara Devendra Contractor, English
- Mary Louise Creedon, Biochemistry
- Elizabeth Ann Crumpacker, Hispanic Studies, Media Studies
- Belen Aline Cruz, Chemistry
- Kayla Nicole Dalsfoist, Interdisciplinary Studies in Culture
- Rachel Kay Darby, Legal Studies, Psychology
- Poonam Ashok Daryani, Biology
- Victoria Kathryn Davis, Chemistry
- Charlotte Day-Reiss, Foreign Languages
- Vivian Pauline Delchamps, English
- Catlin Haley Dennis, Psychology
- Ishani Ravindra Deo, Psychology
- Lydia June dePillis-Lindheim, Mathematics
- Justine Frawley Desmond, Politics and International Relations
- Alison Moore Dos Santos, Latin American Studies
- Summer Skye Dowd-Lukesh, French Studies, Politics and International Relations
- Anne Christine Dreshfield, Self-Designed Major
- Lucy Castle Driscoll, Psychology
- Rose Emily DuCharme, English, French Studies
- Eleanor Alessaundra Dwyer, Undeclared
- Jane Lyra Eisenberg, Geology
- Lauren Melissa Ellzey, Self-Designed Major
- Emily Harwood Elrod-Black, Psychology, Religious Studies
- Sara Maria Estevez Cores, Politics and International Relations, Psychology
- Katherine Ann Evans, Foreign Languages
- Noelle Fa-Kaji, Undeclared
- Alexandra Marie Feldhausen, Politics and International Relations
- Sara Rebecca Ferris, Undeclared
- Jinelle Liann Fields, Undeclared
- Katharine Nell Finlay, Undeclared
- Sarah Amanda Fisher, Media Studies
- Chia Mun Foo, Undeclared
- Sophia Rebecca Forman, Art
- Mariel Rice Frechette, Art History, Gender and Women’s Studies
- Molly Donlan Freed, Undeclared
- Kelsey J. Frost, Foreign Languages, Linguistics and Cognitive Science
- Meghan Michelle Gallagher, Undeclared
- Hannah Elizabeth Gardenswartz, Undeclared
- Megan Elise Clamp Gianniny, Gender and Women’s Studies
- Jessica Ann Gonchar, Politics and International Relations
- Alexandria Simone Gonzales, Mathematics, Physics
- Devon Kateri Gorman, Undeclared
- Rachel Sara Grate, Undeclared
- Maximanova O’Reilly Greenberg, Dance, Gender and Women’s Studies
- Ariane Corrine Gushue, Undeclared
- Priscilla Pambana Gutto Bassett, Environmental Analysis
- Emma Elizabeth Hadley, Biochemistry
- Caitlin Michelle Hanavan, Hispanic Studies, Interdisciplinary Studies in Culture
- Elsa Marie Hammons Watland, Politics and International Relations
- Emily Hannah Hampshire, Undeclared
- Karis Marie Hanson, Physics
- Danica Pauline Harootian, Undeclared
- Clea Danielle Harris, Undeclared
- Savanah Lee Harshbarger, Neuroscience
- Allyson Margaret Healey, Art History
- Taylor Powers Healy, Undeclared
- Natalie Hagan Hendricks, Media Studies
- Alicia Marie Hendrix, Art, Biology
- Isabella Virginia Hendry, Foreign Languages
- Kristie Beltran Hernandez, Politics and International Relations
- Mary Elizabeth Hershewe, History, Interdisciplinary Studies in Culture
- Catherine Teresa Holcombe, American Studies, Latin American Studies
- Amy Louise Hollander, Latin American Studies
- Emily Ayres Horne, Undeclared
- Audrey Elizabeth Howell, Art
- Caroline Hu, Undeclared
- Katie YT Huang, Environment, Economics, and Politics
- Leah Rose Hughes, Undeclared
- Julia Silsby Hughes, English
- Theresa Michelle Iker, American Studies, History
- Brianne Sau Mei Imada, Asian American Studies
- Janessa Marie Ingram, History
- Zoe Margaret Jacobs, Undeclared
- Nikhila Janakiram, Undeclared
- Laura Rose Jeddeloh, Anthropology
- Breeana Jaehee Johng, Undeclared
- Sarah Patrice Johnston, Undeclared
- Faye Jones, Undeclared
- Allison Ainsley Jones, Environment, Economics, and Politics
- Laura Riley Jones, Sociology
- Anissa M. Joonas, Self-Designed Major
- Emily Elizabeth Jovais, Politics and International Relations
- Roshni Kakaiya, Gender and Women’s Studies
- Mehar Kaur, Biology, Economics
- Kathryn Elizabeth Keisling, Undeclared
- Emma Beth Kellman, Interdisciplinary Studies in Culture
- Ann Kathleen Kirkpatrick, Hispanic Studies, History
- Madeline Samantha Klein, Undeclared
- Alexa Jane Kopelman, Psychology
- Rachel Leigh Kuenzi, Legal Studies, Politics and International Relations
- Kathleen Rose LaManna, Art History
- Jean Louise Larsen, Politics and International Relations
- Carolyn Marie Lasch, Undeclared
- Oriana Hammond Davies LaVilla, Politics and International Relations
- Tracy Cathryn Layden, Mathematics
- Aileen Nguyen Le, Economics
- Mackenzie Marie Leake, Undeclared
- Su Anne Lee, 3-2 Engineering
- Rachel Marissa Levi, Undeclared
- Anya Aline Leyhe, Anthropology
- Emery Rose Lieberman-Auerbach, Asian Studies
- Tryphena Yang-Ling Liu, Undeclared
- Jennifer Blake Livermore, Environmental Analysis
- Hannah Amelia Long, Undeclared
- LeeAnn Noelani Cheng-Yee Louie, Neuroscience
- Casey Leigh Oliver Maas, Psychology
- Katherine Anne MacDonnell, English
- Julia Serena MacNelly, Interdisciplinary Studies in Culture
- Georgia Ann Macy, Biophysics
- Amelia Jane Mainardi, Biology
- Laura Rebecca Mallison, Hispanic Studies, Legal Studies
- Caroline Elizabeth Malone, Economics, Politics and International Relations
- Sanggeet Mithra Manirajah, Politics and International Relations
- Emma Sophia Manning, Undeclared
- Melissa Curnick Margolis, Psychology
- Julia Meryl Markham-Cameron, German Studies, Politics and International Relations
- Emily Grace Matteson, Anthropology
- Ann Katherine Mayhew, English
- Claire Mazahery, Chemistry
- Elizabeth Catherine McGinnis, Hispanic Studies
- Lia Kimiko Metzger, Undeclared
- Helena Budzynska Mietka, Undeclared
- Marian Ruth Christy Miller, Latin American Studies
- Courtney Elizabeth Miranda, Biology
- Ana Sofia Mitchell, Molecular Biology
- Lauren Mitten, Undeclared
- Refilwe Motsetselele Moahi, French Studies, Politics and International Relations
- Michaela Elizabeth Moffett, Undeclared
- Vittoria Mollo, English
- Hannah Elaine Moore, Biology, Hispanic Studies
- Savannah Leigh Mora, Undeclared
- Bryn Carolyn Morgan, Middle East and North African Studies
- Alexandra Grady Moyzis, Biology
- Sarah Jane Murtaugh, Classical Studies
- Michelle Erin Nagler, Undeclared
- Roxanne Omi Narasaki, Self-Designed Major
- Jessica Yi-Jun Ng, Undeclared
- Christina Rose Noriega, Legal Studies, Philosophy
- Margaret Crystal Nurimba, Molecular Biology
- Gavin McNeely Odabashian, Sociology
- Willa Durfee Oddleifson, History
- Kara Gallery Odum, Undeclared
- Nicole Shizue Ogawa-Yukitomo, Undeclared
- Taryn Michele Ohashi, Economics, Mathematics
- Brytne Kimie Okuhata, Undeclared
- Eden Kathleen Olsen, Environmental Analysis
- Shalina Rae Omar, Undeclared
- Monkgogi Bonolo Otlhogile, Environment, Economics, and Politics
- Sarah Elizabeth Owens, Undeclared
- Mengqi Pan, Undeclared
- Tessa O’Brien Paoli, Politics and International Relations
- Stephanie Nicole Park, Interdisciplinary Studies in Culture
- Madison Katherine Pathe, Media Studies
- Jill Diana Penman, Undeclared
- Emilia Perez-Orselli, Economics, Politics and International Relations
- Megan Ann Petersen, Undeclared
- Vivian Giang Pham, Undeclared
- Nina Ozawa Pincus, Foreign Languages
- Caitlin Elizabeth Powell, English
- Joan Maya Pradhan, Politics and International Relations
- Marjorie Rose Principato, Undeclared
- Megan Repplier Pritchett, Sociology
- Alexandra Simone Pyke-Bagrash, Media Studies
- Kopano Laura Ramsay, 3-2 Engineering
- Hannah Rebecca Rapp, Anthropology, Latin American Studies
- Allison Elizabeth,Riegle, Art
- Madeline Kirby Ripley, Economics
- Julia Ritchie, Chemistry
- Danya Jamie Rubin, French Studies
- Molly Mcguire Robbins, Undeclared
- Camille Rose Robins, Art
- Alexandra Natalina Ronco, Undeclared
- Jessica Stuart Rosenthal, Art Conservation
- Lauren Margaret Rowse, Undeclared
- Eliana Rose Rudee, Politics and International Relations
- Annemieke Van Nouhuys Ruina, Undeclared
- Madeline Rose Ruvolo, American Studies
- Leslie AnneSachs, Politics and International Relations, Psychology
- Hilary Anne Sager, Public Policy Analysis, Sociology
- Avantika Saraogi, Art, Dance
- Amanda Anne Schaible, Economics
- Catherine Ruth Schetina, English
- Laurel Jaclyn Schwartz, Undeclared
- Brandi Shannon Seaman, Neuroscience
- Molly Mayumi Serizawa, Interdisciplinary Studies in Culture
- Julia Elizabeth Seward, Politics and International Relations
- Dana Lauren Shaker, Anthropology
- Kathleen Ford Shangraw, Biology
- Elena Diane Sharma, English
- Madeline Clare Sheldon, Politics and International Relations
- Hannah Margaret Shoenhard, Neuroscience, Philosophy
- Madison Leslie Shove, Media Studies
- Cara Alexandra Shpizner, Psychology
- Katharine Uecker Shulman, Undeclared
- Anna Elizabeth Sido, Undeclared
- Jade Silver, Environmental Analysis
- Anna Lerman Silverman, Neuroscience
- Elizabeth Anya Silverman, Politics and International Relations
- Emily Hedeen Simmons, Dance, Psychology
- Sanjana Prahlad Singh, Undeclared
- Allison Marie Slater, Undeclared
- Beatrice Davida Schuster Smith, Self-Designed Major
- Leah Beth Soffer, Economics
- Priya Shyam Srivats, Gender and Women’s Studies, Media Studies
- Lily Clara Stewart, Religious Studies
- Anna Maria Stricker, Undeclared
- Alexandra Hamilton Sullivan, Chemistry
- Yushuang Sun, Undeclared
- Hannah Rose Swan, Undeclared
- Elsa Marie Swanson, 3-2 Engineering
- Caitlin Sweeney, American Studies
- Sarah Anna Taylor, English
- Peri Lauren Tenenbaum, History, Philosophy
- Ei Phyu Theint, Economics
- Chelsea L’Rae Thompson, Politics and International Relations
- Elayna Tillman, Chemistry
- Brianna Tran, Undeclared
- Alexandra Jeanne Trimm, Art
- Elizabeth Page Tyson, English
- Taylor Jade Ulrich, Media Studies
- Julie Vaisarova, Psychology
- Ingrid Catherine Van Valkenburg, Economics, English
- Gillian Hannah Varney, History
- Dana Marie Von Schaumburg, Environmental Analysis
- Anna-Louise Randolph Walton, Music
- Joi Ruffin Ward, Sociology
- Jessica Lily Warren, Anthropology
- Emma Hoder Wartzman, Undeclared
- Rachel Hannah Weiner, Interdisciplinary Studies in Culture, Psychology
- Alexandra Cox Weston, Undeclared
- Stacy Nicole Wheeler, Philosophy, Politics and Economics
- Sophia Willis-Conger, Gender and Women’s Studies, Hispanic Studies
- Evelyn S. Wong, Economics, Politics and International Relations
- Victoria Wong, Human Biology
- Anna-Marie Wood, Anthropology
- Laura Patten Wyatt, Neuroscience
- Jacquelyn Emily Yamanaka, Mathematical Economics
- Emily Caroline Yau, Interdisciplinary Studies in Culture
- Janine Mari Yim, Undeclared
- Shawntae Michelle Zackery, Media Studies
- Christine Anne Zenel, Anthropology, French Studies
- Alexa Rae Zilberfarb, Geology