
Resources for Agricultural & Rural Development

The resources in this section were designed to be used as additional materials for farmers involved in the Family Farm Teams program, however they may be helpful to anyone working in agricultural and rural development.
Please also see our Resources for Teachers webpage for further resources.

The Family Farm Team Videos (Tok Pisin)

This series of videos were produced to be used as part of the Family Farm Team training, however they can also be used to raise gender and family issues as part of other training or community development. As they are in Tok Pisin, they are very effective with rural communities where English is not widely spoken.

Saving as a family

Working as a family team

Family communication

The Family Farm Teams Program - video

The video highlights feedback from women who participated in the first FFT program. This video is a useful introductory resource that can be used to show to communities who might be interested in being part of a new FFT project, or to agencies who are considering funding a FFT project.

Livelihood Videos (produced by Unitech)

These videos explain step-by-step how to produce products for sale using local produce. They can be used to help farming families develop new income streams.

Maria's Family Books

About the books

The Maria's family children's books were created as a resource for PNG families, teachers and community educators with the aims of teaching key agricultural messages to farming families, helping parents engage in reading activities with their children, and developing the literacy skills of both parents and their children. The content of each book was developed from the research findings of the FFT projects and designed in collaboration with local leaders and farmers in both coastal and highlands PNG.

There are five illustrated dual language (Tok Pisin and English) children’s books within the Maria’s family books series. Two of the books, Maria’s family goes to market and Maria’s family saves their kina have a coastal version and a highlands version.

The Maria books provide a helpful bridge for beginning adult readers. Because the Maria books are in both Tok Pisin and English, they enable people to switch between the two langauges as they are reading. The illustrations of well-known PNG life also assist the adult reader in comprehending and connecting to the story.

Read more about the Maria’s family books as an adult learning tool.

The books were published and printed by  and were launched in Goroka in 2014 by the Australian Foreign Minister, the Hon. Julie Bishop – 

Maria’s Family books posters

These posters summarise the main messages of the Maria’s family books.

Posters to help parents teach their children at home

Bilingual Project Stories

These resources include the stories of local women leaders throughout PNG told in English and in Tok Pisin. The stories were generated from evaluations offered by the women participating in the first Family Farm Teams training. As such, they demonstrate how the project is impacting the lives of local women leaders and are a testament to the resilience of these women, and to the strengths and skills of local communities throughout PNG.

How to use the bilingual project stories

These stories are a useful resource which can be utilised in rural development workshops and training sessions as they illustrate how working together as a family farm team can improve the lives of women and men. They can be used in an introductory session or as a trigger to begin an evaluation session that aims to collect positive stories of change.

Project Song – East New Britain video

This video shows a song written by East New Britain women as a way for them to share the importance of family saving. It is a very easy song to learn and can energise and enthuse a group who can then go home to teach the song to others in their family.

This work is licensed under a .