
Country as Teacher


A primary focus of this program of research is to develop alternative educational practices which honour Indigenous and non-Eurocentric ways of being, knowing and doing. Integral to alternative educational practices is engaging place-based methodologies which enact learning with, and from, Country. Our engagements with Indigenous learning and teaching aim to shift to more sustainable human-nature relationships where humans are conceived as part of, and connected to, ‘nature’.

The aims of this research program are:

  • Reinvigorating sustainable communities through enabling people to know, understand and care for their Country: This involves exploring the capacity of all people to know, understand and care for the places where they live. This requires us to relearn the capabilities and practices to relate with, and learn from, Country.
  • Deeply connecting with old Aboriginal ways of being, knowing and doing: Listening to and learning from the traditional knowledge systems of Australia is a way of honouring the knowledge carried for thousands of years, that works to care for the places where we live, in ways sustainable for all Earth-kin.
  • Building upon experiential rather than abstract learning: This theme explores the educational importance of building hand-on experiences of Country and place, rebalancing the theory-focussed teaching and learning most often found in classrooms.
  • Rebalancing multiple ways of being, knowing and doing: Caring and listening require the capacity to engage with the world through more than a rationale analytic mindset. Whilst rationale analytic knowing is important, a theme in our work is bringing it back into balance with affective, embodied, intuitive and spiritual ways of knowing the world.

Current Projects

Teaching for Country: Exploring transformative opportunities in initial teacher education through enacting Indigenous ways of knowing, being and doing

This research project works towards the strategic goal of facilitating the enactment of Indigenous ways of knowing, being and doing within initial teacher education undergraduate and postgraduate units at the 五月天视频.

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Investigating the implementation of an authentically Australian, ‘both-ways’ education: Creating and enacting a Country as Teacher curriculum framework and pedagogy in ACT schools

This project extends the evidence from our first project (Cat1) to investigate a cohort-based, collaborative approach to co-designing and implementing a Country as Teacher curriculum, pedagogy, and assessment, testing a whole school approach with outcomes for student learning and school culture.

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Country as Teacher, Graduate Certificate

The Graduate Certificate Country as Teacher is a professional-learning qualification that operates to develop practicing educators' dispositions and capabilities to enact a cohesive Aboriginal curriculum and pedagogy in teaching and learning settings at a foundational level.

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Completed Projects

Building Cultural Integrity with Country as Teacher

This project is implementing and assessing the effectiveness of the Country as Teacher professional learning approach, pedagogy and curriculum design, which aims to embed classroom practice in deep respect for place-focussed, Country-centric pedagogies that have been part of teaching and learning in Australia for tens of thousands of years.

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For further information on the Country as Teacher research program, please contact Assistant Prof David Spillman.