
Change of direction or scope

A minor change to the research project may include a change of title or a change in the methods employed in the research. Minor changes should be noted in the candidate's next Annual Progress Report.

A major change in the direction or scope of the research may have implications on resources or supervisory arrangements, or may effect the completion time for submission which may have visa implications for international candidates. A major change could instigate a number of possible changes to candidature, for example, a change in supervisory panel membership, a change in attendance status, a transfer to a more appropriate course (e.g. Professional Doctorate to PhD), or a transfer to a more appropriate discipline area in another Research Institute or Faculty.

Major changes must be discussed with the Primary Supervisory.

A transfer to another Research Institute or Faculty involves:

  • written confirmation that the proposed new host Faculty/Research Institute is willing to accept responsibility for the candidate's resource support and supervision
  • approval of the transfer by the current host Faculty/Research Institute
  • identification of a revised supervisory panel with appropriate availablility and expertise
  • time remaining in candidature
  • any implications a transfer may have on the retention of a candidate's scholarship (if applicable)

Once approved by both the releasing and receiving Faculty/Research Institute the written documentation should be sent to the HDR Support team for processing.