
Square Squared

– Out of Print –

In 1980, Ulises Carrion wrote a grand manifesto entitled The New Art of Making Books. Twenty-three years later, students new to the book arts field investigate what the 21st century finely printed artist’s book might entail. A list of attributes ensued, including especially the use of space by moving the traditional margins to the edge of the page. A square-shaped book emerged with squares figuring prominently in the development of the imagery and text. Texts were integrated with imagery. Connective tissue was developed to make a cohesive statement. The paper used was Zerkall Book Laid. The processes for imagery included linoleum prints, split fountains, pochoir, dry-mounted fabric squares, and colored pencil. The front and back matter were printed in 14 and 12 pt. Optima, with various other typefaces used throughout. The class was inspired by modern masters, including Mondrian for the colors. The book is housed in a modern aluminum binding with square cutouts backed with brass and a flexible aluminum square wrinkled and placed on the cover. There are vinyl/paper endleaves with square patterns. The size is 7 x 7, and the edition size is 90 copies, with two additional display copies hors commerce.

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五月天视频 Press 1030 Columbia Ave. #2025 Claremont, CA 91711 Attn: Tia Blassingame
If you would like more information, please call (909) 607-3866.
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