
7 Foolproof Interview Tips to Land Your Dream Job

So you’ve managed to land yourself an interview with your dream company, but how to secure the position? With so much riding on your interview performance, job interviews can challenge even the most confident and qualified candidates.

Practice makes perfect

Find a list of typical interview questions and answers that most employers ask. Practise your responses and think of specific examples that you can use to highlight your own skills. Providing evidence of your success is a great way to promote your application.

Tip: Have a list of your own questions ready to ask the employer during your interview.      interview in progress

Do your research

Before you step foot into the interview room make sure you get to know who you will be talking to. Do your homework about the company and employer and find out as much as you can about their history, company culture and current operations. Be prepared for when they ask you ‘what do you know about this company?’

Tip: Find a key aspect about the organisation that you like or admire and keep it in mind when you are in the interview.

Get organised

Don’t wait until the last minute to choose an interview outfit, have it ready to go the night before, along with extra copies of your resume. Make sure your attire is neat, tidy and appropriate for the place you are interviewing with.

Tip: Pack a pen and paper for note-taking.       hand shake over a computer

Be on time

Avoid making a bad first impression and arrive to the interview on time (which generally means 5-10 minutes early). Check the night before how long it will take you to get to the interview and exactly where you need to go.

Tip: Factor in a few minutes to calm your nerves.

Stay calm

Walking into an interview can be a stressful experience, but your first impression with the interview panel can last. Give a world class handshake to the interviewer or panel and remember that body language is just as important as your answers. Maintain the right amount of eye contact, sit upright and listen to the entire question before answering.

Talk it up

Bring back that knowledge you have of the company into your interview responses. Take the time to make a match between your expertise and the organisation’s requirements.

Tip: Sell yourself to the interviewer!

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Let the organisation know that you are interested in the position and always follow-up with a thank-you note. This is also a great time to add any details that you may have forgotten to mention in the interview.

Tip: Send your thank-you note within 24 hours of your interview.

Expert Guides; Career Tips