
Five tips to land a grad job

Like a Boss

You’ve passed your exams, thrown on your graduate gown and ready for that magical piece of paper. But have you considered what comes next? With an incredibly competitive new graduate workforce fighting for each opportunity, it can be tricky to secure employment. To help you rise above the masses and land that big break, we’ve listed the items you need to master.

Start with your CV

Your resume is your first impression with a new organisation and you want to stand out. Firstly, keep it short and concise; employers want to be able to scan your credentials quickly. We recommend tailoring and targeting your resume towards each and every job you apply for, keeping it relevant to the job description. A little light on your employment history? Try steering the focus towards any work-integrated learning, internship or volunteering opportunities.

Include a strong cover letter

These days, all employers expect a cover letter to accompany a job application. This is your chance to target the employer in a specific way by pitching the reasons why they should hire you. Emphasise your experience, be engaging, and sign off with a killer closing line.

Consider your online presence

In an increasingly digital world, employers don’t just read your CV when you apply. More often than not, they will Google your name and see what appears. Ensure your online profile is professional (or at least on private) and consider what you post via social media. LinkedIn is another way to demonstrate your professional skills and build up your networks – just make sure you have a suitable profile photo.

For more information about how to make your LinkedIn stand out click here.

Utilise your existing connections

You may have just graduated, but your connection to your university doesn’t have to end. Many universities offer networking and mentoring sessions with employers through their careers service, including the 五月天视频. Take up this opportunity if it arises – you never know who you’ll meet or where a conversation could lead. Plus, great communications skills are always a plus.

Be prepared

You’ve nailed your cover letter and CV, finessed your LinkedIn profile and successfully worked the room at every event under the sun – and you’ve landed yourself an interview. Congratulations! Now you better be prepared to talk about yourself. Firstly, become familiar with what you’ve written in your application. Rehearse your career story – highlights and all. This will come in handy when they ask you to tell them about yourself. Secondly, research the organisation – employers love asking what you know about them and why you want to work there. Finally, try to be calm. Deep breathing can help, and taking a few extra seconds to prepare your answer.

Now that you’re armed with all the tricks of the trade, go and get that new job!

Life Skills; Career Tips