
How to get the most out of an Internship


As the self-proclaimed ‘Queen of Internships’, I can tell you that internships can be an invaluable experience. They are one of the very best ways to get your foot in the door in the industry of your choice. While completing an internship can lead to full-time work, more often than not it doesn’t, however it will still have an effect on your career in the long run.

Having an internship under your belt indicates that you are keen and ready to gain employment in the industry and will also show employees that you have the right skills and enough experience for a permanent paid position.

My resume reads like an instalment of The Lord of the Rings, and over the past 8 years I've been on both sides of the internship process. My experiences have varied from one-day volunteer work to travelling weekly between states for 3 months. In that time I’ve gone from taking coffee orders to teaching bright-eyed students new skills and everything in-between; learning lots of valuable lessons along the way.

So if you’ve scored yourself a new internship and are looking to turn it into a paid position, here are a few tips and tricks to keep in mind.


Find a Match

Choose an internship that matches your needs and requires substantial work. Remember that you are there to learn from the experience. Consider a small to medium-sized business, as there may be more work and opportunities for you to work across different areas. This will enable you to take on more responsibility and form deeper bonds with your work colleagues.

Join the Club

Integrate into the office culture as much as possible. Stick to the dress code and adhere to the office hours. Treat everyone with respect and professionalism no matter their position and leave your personal life at home. Participate in office events and initiatives and show that you are keen to be a part of the team. Not only will this build relationships but it will also show the business how well you fit into the company.

Show Initiative

This means being the first to arrive and the last to leave, especially if there is more than one intern. Be positive and enthusiastic about every task that is assigned to you, no matter how menial it may be. If you have nothing to do, don’t wait for further direction; find something or offer your services. Show that you are essential to the team.

Social Network

Be confident and engage with your full-time colleagues. Use the internship as an opportunity to network with everyone from senior staff to fellow interns. Not only is it invaluable to talk to someone working in the industry, but they can become vital contacts that serve as references, make recommendations and alert you to future positions. Once the internship is over make sure to stay in contact - you never know when another door could open!

Ask Questions

Never pretend to understand something when you don’t! It’s always better to ask and get clarification before starting a task. Your internship should be treated as a job interview; the only way to learn is from asking. Don’t be afraid to ask questions, it’s a great way to show your level of engagement.


Words by Stephanie Cossetto

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Life Skills; Career Tips