
Sister Act

Tolo sisters

They may live on opposite sides of the world, but sisters Marianna and Kate Tolo are both dominating in their respective fields since graduating from the . Marianna, a player, recently returned home from representing Australia at the Rio Olympics. Younger sister Kate is chasing her dreams in New York with a blossoming career in fashion.

Growing up in the Tolo household was, according to the sisters, full of sport and good food. They reminisce over the dancing and fighting that went on, along with their brother Adam; showcasing their competitive nature. Kate, the youngest of the trio, recalls travelling around Australia during her childhood, following her older siblings as they played basketball. Family trips to Bosnia and Herzegovina are ‘an experience that she is unbelievably grateful for.’

Their mother, the matriarch of the family, insisted on the siblings adopting a relentless commitment to their sporting team. This developed in them values such as community focus, independence and a desire to work hard. Despite Marianna and Kate having different hobbies and interests, their ideas and plans for the future are a reflection of these ingrained values.

Marianna, who graduated from UC with a Bachelor of Sport Coaching and Exercise Science, now plays for the UC Capitals. Growing up with a love of sport, she pursued tennis, swimming and dancing before her mother suggested she play basketball due to her height. Falling in love with the game, she made a commitment in primary school that she would one day play for Australia.

After playing for the Australia junior squads as a teen, Marianna was accepted into the AIS in 2006 on a scholarship before signing with the in 2008. She narrowly missed qualifying for the Australian basketball team at the London Olympics, but reached her goal and played for Australia at this year’s .  

I love that I can play sport for a living.

"I understand that not many people can say that, especially women. But I know that I have to make the most of it and enjoy every second because it’s only limited in the time I can spend doing it.”

Having spent several seasons playing for French teams Aix En Provence and CJM Bourges Basket from 2012-2015, before signing with WNBA team Los Angeles Sparks in 2015, Marianna is no stranger to living overseas.

Marianna Tolo

“I love travelling! The worst part would definitely be going to so many different places, but not being able to explore much. It’s different when I am living and playing for a club overseas. This is when you get the time to explore and enjoy the city you are living in.”

When questioned about her international experience, Marianna agrees that it has enriched her life and career.

“First of all it makes you become so much more independent. You are forced to be relatively isolated from the comfort of your family, friends and support network."

It is easy to discover who you are and what your strengths and weaknesses are.

Marianna also rates the benefits of living in another country; experiencing simple things like the culture, food and language. Something that Kate agrees with having moved overseas to New York in April.

In the age of globalisation there was nothing I wanted more than to be where it all happens – the hub of the most important companies, talent and ideas!

"NYC has not disappointed in that regard and I am blown away day-to-day at how ambitious and talented every person is here”

That’s not to say that Kate doesn’t fit into that description.  At just 20 years of age she has already graduated with a and completed a 4-month internship with Proenza Schouler; an esteemed global brand and personal favourite of hers. During the evenings Kate searched for full-time work, eventually securing a Technical Design Assistant role with R13 in Brooklyn.

Kate Tolo

Living away from home, family and friends certainly has its moments, but for the Tolo family they have become accustomed to their long distance relationships. Kate says that the family relies on multiple apps, with group chats consisting of family updates, witty comments and occasional photos.

“We’ve been doing long distance as a family now for over a decade now. With time differences and our schedules we struggle to catch each other. While it has definitely gotten easier as time goes on, it is a still a drawback from having a superstar sister!”

Through conversations you can tell that the Tolo sisters have a strong bond and mutual respect for one another, despite living worlds apart.

“Mari is a humble role model” says Kate,

Just from looking up to her she has taught me so much about humility, gratitude and really, really hard work.

Likewise Marianna only speaks highly of her younger sister, “Kate is very hardworking, something that has been passed onto us from our parents. She is a genius - definitely the smartest of us lot!”

With Marianna back in Canberra, following surgery last year due a torn anterior cruciate ligament, she has settled in ahead of the new season. While she believes that Canberra has changed a lot over the past 10 years, she still misses the beach.

“The UC Capitals have a rich history, being one of the first clubs in the league and recently celebrating 30 years. We have had a lot of successful teams, players and coaches to come through this program. It will be exciting to see what we can do as a new unit, and I'm really looking forward to the season.”

Tolo Family

There is no doubt that the future is bright for both of the Tolo sisters. In 5 years’ time Marianna hopes to have played her second Olympics and have started her post-basketball career. Kate on the other hand has a slightly more tropical dream in the pipeline.

“When I was 12 years old, Marianna and I were sitting in a carpark in Bosnia and were asking each other ‘where will you be in 5 years’ time?’

We decided that she’d be a world famous superstar basketballer and we’d probably be on a beach in Hawaii…only one wish came true so maybe by 2021 we’ll have finally made it to that beach!”

Words by Stephanie Cossetto, images courtesy of Marianna and Kate Tolo.

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