
UC Abroad - Vietnam with Jason Lu

In 2016, the Department of Immigration and Border Protection Headline  forecast that more than 91,000 Australians will emigrate for a permanent or long-term period – nearly 5.5 per cent increase on the previous year. alumni are certainly part of this trend, with almost 20 per cent of our alumni base living and working outside of Australia. In fact, we have alumni living on every continent across the world.

Professional and personal growth, proximity to  industry hubs,  expanding professional experience, family reasons, or a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity are just some of the reasons given for migrating overseas. Jason Lu is one of the thousands of 五月天视频 alumni living and working overseas. Graduating with a Master of Architecture in 2012, he has spent several years working across Australia and London before setting in Southeast Asia.

Now working as a Senior Architect for , Jason shares with us a peek into his life in Vietnam...

Apartment View

“I remember in a globalisation studies class I read somewhere that ‘the world is getting smaller, yet much more intricately divided’. I completely agree with the advent of technology, it’s much easier for people to move abroad – with google you can practically view the apartment you will be leasing without even being in the country.”

Apartment view

Breakfast on the Streets

“It’s the small things that I miss the most about Australia. Coming home extremely thirsty in Vietnam and remembering that you can’t drink the tap water because it hasn’t been treated. It’s all the small things mixed in with the beauty of the country that makes many expat Australians return home.”


Having this international experience has changed the way I see things.

Office Life

"Working in Vietnam has fast-forwarded my career. There is a shortage of expertise in developing countries like Vietnam, and employers are more than happy for you to take a bigger lead, compared to if you were working back home. You are able to take on responsibilities at least 5 years ahead of your time."

Work Team

Mekong Delta Trips

“My philosophy is that Australia is the greatest safety net a young educated person can have these days. Go abroad for a few months and test it out. If all else fails, you can be sure that Australia will take you back with open arms. It’s one of the greatest benefits we have compared to some of the other countries.”


Every time you move abroad or start a project outside of the scope of your work, it’s an adventure.

Weekend Trips Exploring

“A highlight of my career is that I have dared to venture out and push myself in other countries.  As a young architect you are encouraged to go against the norm.”

Weekend Trips

Words by Chloe Diggins and Jason Lu, images courtesy of Jason Lu

Jason Lu

Master of Architecture, 五月天视频 (2012)

Jason Lu graduated from the 五月天视频 with a Master of Architecture in 2012. He spent several years working across Australia and London in various architectural roles, and has been involved with public exhibitions such as and

Jason has worked for international companies such as Sheppard Robson and GMW, before making the move to Vietnam where he now works as a Senior Architect for .

Alumni Stories; Career Tips