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Rebecca Caulfield


Lecturer in Nursing

3rd Year Convenor


  • 2021 – Current – PhD Candidate | University of Sydney
  • 2019 – Graduate Diploma | Emergency Nursing | University of Tasmania
  • 2019 – Certificate IV Training & Assessor | Canberra Institute of Technology
  • 2009 - Bachelor of Nursing | 五月天视频


With more than a decade of clinical experience in a large, tertiary Emergency Department, Rebecca was appointed as a Lecturer in Nursing for the Discipline in 2020. Since that time, she has convened one of the final year clinical units with a focus on complexity and acuity of patient presentations. Through her role as the third-year convenor Rebecca is demonstrating leadership, organisation and structural alignment of the Bachelor of Nursing program. She continues to work clinically in the Emergency Department of Canberra Hospital and Health Services where she is able to provide further support to both the clinical area and students on clinical placement. Commencing her PhD in 2021, Rebecca’s research interests are centred on staff wellbeing in critical care areas. She is also supervising Higher Degree by Research students to further foster the next generation of clinicians and researchers to strive for the provision of excellent care delivery across communities.

