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Safe Community

Respectful community

UC prides itself on its commitment to diversity, inclusion, tolerance and respect and, as part of the UC community, we expect that all staff and students uphold these principles in their conduct.


Find security contact information for the UC Bruce campus. Security works 24 hours a day to provide a safe environment for all our staff, students, visitors and student residences.

Report an incident

Your safety and well-being is of the utmost importance to us. If you have experienced or witnessed a safety issue or concern, let us know. We are committed to providing a safe and healthy environment.


Our goal is to promote a culture of respect for diversity and inclusion so that all people – no matter their sexuality, gender, religion, race or ability – feel valued as members of UC.

National Student Safety Survey 2021

The National Student Safety Survey (NSSS) 2021 was undertaken in August and September 2021. We thank all our students who responded to the Survey.

Sexual violence resources

UC has no tolerance for sexual misconduct, sexual harassment, assault and gender-based violence and promotes respect for all. We want to build a community where every student and staff member feels safe.

Where to get help

Find the contacts you may need for support for on an off campus for staff, students and visitors, including medical and counselling and crisis support, for staff and students across all campuses.