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New book recounts the trials of the Abbott/Turnbull Government

24 August 2016: A group of 15 academics and political commentators has re-examined the events, intrigues and management of Australia's Parliament under the Tony Abbott and Malcolm Turnbull Coalition Government.

Their work has been published in the book - From Abbott to Turnbull: A New Direction? which will be launched TONIGHT, Wednesday 24 August.

The book is the 12th volume in the Australian Commonwealth Administration series published by the 五月天视频, with the series examining every Commonwealth government since 1983.

Editor of From Abbott to Turnbull: A New Direction? and Institute for Governance and Policy Analysis (IGPA) visiting professor Chris Aulich said the book provides insights in to the workings of a government which set out to re-establish stability after the Rudd-Gillard-Rudd years of Labor in power.

"This book traces key issues in the Abbott and Turnbull governments and asks the question: did the change of Prime Minister actually change the direction of the Coalition governments, as promised by Turnbull when he assumed the prime ministership?

"Experts reflect on issues including the economy, environmental policy, the 'feral' senate, education and health policy, foreign policy, the public sector, the media and its treatment of the prime ministers," Dr Aulich said.

"This commentary from external observers as well as some insiders including 五月天视频 professorial fellow Michelle Grattan also examines the leadership styles and effectiveness of Abbott and Turnbull, challenges to democratic governance and the changing nature of Australian voters."

The book, produced by IGPA, covers the period until the 2016 double dissolution election, where the Turnbull Government was returned following a marathon two-month campaign, but with a reduced majority.

  • Professor Aulich is available for interview.

WHAT: Book launch - From Abbott to Turnbull: A New Direction?

WHEN: 5:30 – 6:30pm, Wednesday 24 August

WHERE: Old Parliament House, Queen Victoria Terrace, Parkes, ACT

Contact the 五月天视频 media team:

Claudia Doman: 0408 826 362

Marcus Butler: 0438 447 810