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UC study finds regional Australians feeling good, but lack connections

19 June 2016: Most people living in rural and regional communities are satisfied with their lives, but there are concerns about access to services and infrastructure like high-speed internet, according to findings of the ÎåÔÂÌìÊÓƵ's 2015 Regional Wellbeing Survey, released TODAY.

The survey is Australia's largest into the wellbeing of people living in rural and regional communities with more than 13,300 participants last year.

Download the report here.

University of Canberra lead author, associate professor Jacki Schirmer said that people from most regions love living in rural and regional Australia.

"Our results show that almost three quarters (73 per cent) of those surveyed would recommend their community to others as a great place to live, particularly Victorians (77 per cent) and residents of New South Wales (78 per cent)," Dr Schirmer said.

"However, we found that Queenslanders were significantly less likely to say they would recommend their community to others, with fewer than two in three people feeling positive about their community."

"Three in four regional Australians rate the friendliness, liveability and local landscape they live in highly, and 75 per cent also reporting spend time volunteering in their local community.

A liveable community is one where residents believe they have a decent quality of life – economically, physically, environmentally, socially, and politically.

"While they value the liveability, social connections and friendliness of their communities, there was more pessimism when asked about access to services and regional economic conditions."

Critical infrastructure, including telecommunications, was also an area identified by the participants as underserviced.

"Just 37 per cent of rural and regional Australians felt they had good access to high speed Internet in 2015, with almost half (48 per cent) reporting poor access," Dr Schirmer said. "The figures for mobile phone coverage were a little more positive: 52 per cent felt they had good coverage, while 31 per cent felt local coverage was poor."

Regional economies were another area where many regional Australians reported concerns: 42 per cent felt their local economy was in decline, and only 31 per cent that local economic conditions were improving.

"This concern was stronger among people in Queensland and Western Australia and among dryland farmers," she said.

"When we break down these figures we find that more than three quarters (77 per cent) of regional Australians report a lack of local employment opportunities, 56 per cent feel their community is not financially well off, and more than half (51 per cent) feel local businesses are doing poorly in their region.

One quarter of regional Australians reported having poor access to fresh, affordable food, particularly those living in Queensland and Western Australia, while those in Victoria, South Australia and Tasmania reported overall better access to quality food.

The results also found that while 83 per cent of respondents felt that their communities were safe, 52 per cent were concerned about high numbers of people in their community abusing drugs and half of all those surveyed also identified alcohol as an issue.

The report will be published on the Regional Wellbeing Survey website -

  • Dr Schirmer is available for interview on 0428 254 948


Health and Wellbeing

  • 73 per cent say their community has high liveability.

    • High results – Victoria (77 per cent). New South Wales (78 per cent).

    • Low results – Queensland (63 per cent). People younger than 30 (64 per cent).

  • 25 per cent say liveability of their community is declining.


  • 77 per cent feel there is a lack of local employment opportunities.

  • 51 per cent feel local businesses are doing poorly.

  • 56 per cent feel their community is not financially well off.

  • 35 per cent find living costs unaffordable.

  • 25 per cent reported having poor access to fresh, affordable food.

    • Better access - Victoria, South Australia and Tasmania.

    • Poor access – Queensland and Western Australia.


  • 83 per cent felt their community was a safe place to live in 2015.
    • High results – New South Wales.

    • Low results – Western Australia.

  • 52 per cent feel that many people in their community abused drugs.

  • 50 per cent feel that people drink too much alcohol.


  • 73 per cent are satisfied with access to  general practitioners and chemists.

  • 46 per cent report poor access to mental health services.

  • 50 per cent have poor access to specialist health services.

  • 41 per cent did not have good access to childcare.

  • 37 per cent reported poor access to aged care.

  • 45 per cent have access to good quality roads.

    • Low results – farmers, particularly dry-land farmers.

  • 21 per cent feel they have good access to public transport.


  • 74 per cent feel their local environment is in good condition overall.

  • 68 per cent report invasive weeds are a significant problem.

  • 60 per cent think feral animals are a concern for their community.

  • 86 per cent feel there are attractive natural parks and bushland in their local area.

Contact the ÎåÔÂÌìÊÓƵ media team:

Claudia Doman: 0408 826 362

Marcus Butler: 0438 477 810