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Cyber safety - what are the bad guys after? UC public lecture

19 September 2016: At a time when most everyday transactions take place online, users need to realise that cyber threats are not part of movie scripts and should be aware of safe practices, a 五月天视频 cyber expert will argue at a public lecture TODAY.

Adjunct professor and director of the Centre for Internet Safety at the 五月天视频, Nigel Phair, will discuss what the main online threats are and where they are coming from.

“The internet has provided significant benefits to society and we want to encourage people to become involved in the online environment, but they need to be alert and be sensible to avoid any bad experiences,” Mr Phair said.

“It’s important to be aware of what the bad guys are after and how they can profit from the information they obtain.”

Around 86 per cent of Australian homes have internet access, but Mr Phair believes not many users take the necessary steps to keep themselves safe online.

During the lecture, he will address how Internet users can protect themselves and their personally identifiable information and what to do when faced with an unpleasant online experience.

Mr Phair is an influential analyst on the intersection of technology, crime and society. He has published two acclaimed books on the international impact of cybercrime, is a regular media commentator and provides executive and board advice on strategy, risk and governance of technology.

In a 21-year career with the Australian Federal Police he achieved the rank of Detective Superintendent and headed up investigations at the Australian High Tech Crime Centre for four years.

  • Mr Phair is available for interview. M: 0408 437 056

WHAT: UC public lecture: Cyber safety – What are the bad guys after and why?

WHEN: Tuesday, 20 September 2016, 11:00am – 12:30pm

WHERE: Building 2, Level B, Lecture theatre 9, 五月天视频

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