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UC celebrates IWD with bold new blog on gender equality

7 March 2017: To mark International Women’s Day, the 50/50 by 2030 Foundation at the 五月天视频 will launch its incisive new blog on gender equity BroadAgenda tomorrow.

The blog aims to explore diverse aspects of gender equality in a fresh, new way. From policy, politics and governance to leadership and the gendered nature of power and authority, the platform will give voice to a wide range of contributors.

BroadAgenda is a bold new blog for broads, blokes, brawn and brain!” said Virginia Haussegger AM, Director of the 50/50 by 2030 Foundation, a unique gender equality initiative based within the University’s Institute for Governance and Policy Analysis.

“As a community of academics, researchers, writers, thinkers, politicos, journalists and engaged citizens, we aim to create a platform for the exchange of ideas – in which everyone can participate,” Ms Haussegger said.

“We believe there is a savvy audience out there with a hungry appetite for sharp news and views around gender equality. And we believe the time is ripe to broaden the national conversation.”

The well-known women’s advocate and former journalist and ABC News presenter said the blog will include videos, podcasts, interviews, evidence-based arguments and commentary pieces on a variety of gender issues.

“We are fans of democratic innovation and we deeply care about the future of inclusive governance and problem solving. We’re on the hunt for fresh thinking around workplace innovation, and creative solutions to flexible work arrangements.

“We have an eye on mainstream media and we’re interested in media consumption, influence and ownership. We want to explore issues of trust, women’s marches and mobilisations, and the possible regressions in populist movements. We’re also keen to explore women’s economic empowerment and political participation.

“In fact, there is little that doesn’t come under our radar,” Ms Haussegger said.

BroadAgenda is just one of a number of programs we are putting in place to support leadership diversity, along with commissioning high level research to underpin our work and further community understanding of the complex issues around gender inequality.”

You can find the blog at (live from 12:00am Wednesday, 8 March) or keep up with its latest posts via Twitter @BroadAgenda5050.

Contact the 五月天视频 media team:

Claudia Doman: 0408 826 362

Amanda Jones 0409 140 415