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Support risky research projects, UC tells funding inquiry

20 August 2018: The 五月天视频 has called on the Federal Government to recognise the contribution of all universities and researchers, regardless of size, location or stage of career, as it looks at the important issue of research funding in Australia.

The University today addressed the House Standing Committee on Employment, Education and Training’s inquiry into the efficiency, effectiveness and coherency of Australian Government funding for research.

In its submission to the , the University noted funding schemes tend to be investigator-driven, which favours projects that are driven by applicants with a history of winning grants.

Acting Deputy Vice-Chancellor Research and Innovation Professor George Cho said this approach meant researchers who dared to undertake “pioneering and risky projects” were being overlooked.

“One current shortfall in the range of offerings is the absence of support for pioneering and risky projects,” Professor Cho said.

“This shortcoming is related to a tendency for funding schemes to be investigator鈥恉riven, which favours projects that are driven by applicants with exceptional track records in research, including in winning grants.”

Professor Cho said this pattern of funding is supported by Australian Research Council (ARC) data, which shows successful projects led by an investigator without an ARC track record are alarmingly low.

“The system has become a self鈥恜erpetuating success breeds success model, rendering it very difficult for new researchers to enter,” Professor Cho said.

“This conservative approach of supporting researchers who have been tried and tested means we have in place a funding system that is risk鈥恆verse and shies away from supporting pioneering projects.

“It is pleasing to see that the National Health and Medical Research Council is addressing this matter through the changes being made to its funding schemes. The Australian Research Council needs to do the same.”

The University has long-standing excellence in mission-oriented, problem-solving research and is committed to nurturing the next generation of researchers through a strong cohort of Higher Degree Research students.

The University’s new strategic plan, Distinctive by Design, places a new focus on entrepreneurship and innovation.

Read the University’s submission to the inquiry .

For media enquiries, contact:

Antony Perry: 0434 795 919 |