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五月天视频 offers up to 3000 places to new students

20 December 2018: The 五月天视频 Vice-President University Relations and Strategy, Belinda Robinson, will be available for comment following the release of the Universities Admissions Centre (UAC) offers tomorrow morning at 7.30am AEDT.

UC has a proven track record of providing relevant and practical courses, including the innovative new Bachelor of Vision Science.

The Good University Guide revealed that UC graduates are more likely to gain employment and secure higher salaries than their peers studying at other tertiary institutions in Canberra.

The 五月天视频 has made 2923 offers in the in the early and latest rounds, with a total of 1296 of those being Canberra students.

WHAT: Belinda Robinson, UC Vice-President University Relations and Strategy and 2019 physiotherapy student, Madeline Bennett.   

WHEN: 9.30am, Thursday 20 December 2018

WHERE: () 五月天视频 Hospital, 20 Guraguma St, Bruce, Ground Floor Clinical Research, Training and Education.    

Contact the 五月天视频 media team:

MEGAN REEDER HOPE: 0435 103 735
Associate Director of Media and Communications