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Release Letter Request Form - International Student Visa Holders

Required fields are marked with an asterisk (*).
Personal Details
Date of Birth *
Personal Contact Details
Mailing Address
Please enter your postcode in 4 digit format (No spaces, no characters)
(2 Digit Area Code + 8 Digit Number)
Residential Address Preference
Residential Address
Please enter your postcode in 4 digit format (No spaces, no characters)
Conditions and Student Declaration

If you are an international student who is requesting to move to a different education provider before completing 6 (six) calendar months of your principal course, you will need to submit a release letter request. Applications for a release letter are assessed in accordance with UC's International Student Transfer Policy.

In order to assess your application our office requires you to send the following information:

Section 1

A copy of an unconditional offer letter from another provider for a course of the same or higher level (the offer must be for the current teaching period, and if the start date on the offer letter is in the past; a copy of your Late Arrival Approval must be provided). Additionally, the offer letter must not be conditional upon meeting academic or English language requirements;

Section 2

A signed statement of reasons, outlining why you are seeking release from your principal UC course. If you are requesting a change to an unrelated course, you will need to detail the reason.

I have read and accept the Privacy Statement and Declaration *