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Strategic Plans

Strategic Plans

The National Centre for Australian Children's Literature  (formerly Lu Rees Archives) Strategic Plans detail the historical development and purpose of the Centre, the scope and depth of its collections, and its client base and services provided. An overview of the management structure discusses staffing, sponsorship, financial and inkind support, and the policy-making and reporting body. Finally, our Strategic Plans details marketing and promotion aspects, describes how this Plan will be monitored, details strategies for achieving objectives, and highlights future directions and challenges for the Centre.

Small, successful organisations often pass through stages of development. These include an inspired idea from an individual, enthusiastic espousal of that idea by others, formal establishment, then continuing development, expansion and consolidation. The Centre is now consolidating its future. These Strategic Plans chart the development of the then Lu Rees Archives and propose a blueprint for its future development. A new Plan will be developed and implemented in 2017.

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