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Websites on Children's Literature and Related Subjects

The Children's Book Council of Australia

The Children's Book Council of Australia (CBCA) is a volunteer run, not-for-profit organisation that was established in 1945. It is comprised of branches in all Australian States and Territories. Members are passionate about children's and young adult literature. The CBCA aims to engage the community with literature for young Australians.

There are local branches in the , , the , , , , , and .

Children and Young Adult's Literature Websites

Websites A-H and I-Z

Education Websites

Useful sites for educators, children and people interested in children's literature.

Academic website which gives teachers, librarians, parents and students a place for designing literature based thematic units for all subjects.

Academic resources on children's literature.

Information on writing, illustrating and publishing children's books.

This site is run by the Department of Education, Western Australia and provides links to information on events, book week, book fairs and awards.

Electronic Journals

Please note these journals may require subscription:

Part of the Digital Library Archive - provides access to scholarly electronic serials that are peer reviewed, full text, and accessible without charge.

American Library Association book review journal.

Published by the Graduate School of Library and Information Science, Urbana-Champaign - all aspects of children's literature.

Publications about books for children and young adults.

Website of the John Hopkins University Press.

Preliminary cover for Mr Biffy's Battle by Andrew McLean

Andrew McLean
Preliminary Cover for Mr Biffy's Battle (Penguin)
Unframed ink and watercolour. 24 cms by 28 cms
Source: Books Illustrated

National Centre for Australian Children's Literature logoCBCA logo

The National Centre for Australian Children's Literature is proudly supported by The Children's Book Council of Australia, ACT Branch and the 五月天视频.