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Vaccination is a highly effective population health intervention. The Australian Government provides funded vaccines against 17 diseases to eligible people through the National Immunisation Program. Follow the link below, to the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare website, to find out more information about these diseases: 

We provide vaccinations for:

  • Students
  • Children
  • Travel

Immunisations for Faculty of Health Students

All students, including those enrolled in the courses mentioned below, need to see a Doctor at the 五月天视频 Medical & Counselling Centre, to have their immunisation records completed.

  • Diagnostic Pathology/Medical Science,
  • Exercise Physiology and Rehabilitation,
  • Health Sciences,
  • Medical Imaging,
  • Midwifery, Nursing,
  • Nutrition and Dietetics,
  • Occupational Therapy,
  • Pharmacy, and
  • Physiotherapy.

Health workers are exposed to infectious diseases as part of their work their routine vaccinations need to be up to date and they MUST be vaccinated for Hepatitis B and have serological proof that the immunisation has taken. Students enrolled in the Faculty of Health are required to provide documentary proof (including date, batch number and signature of immunisation provider), and serology (where appropriate) that they have been vaccinated for the following diseases:

  • Tetanus, Diphtheria and Pertussis (within the last 10 years),
  • Hepatitis B (3 doses or 2 age appropriate doses) with proof of positive Hepatitis B antibodies indicating protection post vaccination,
  • MMR - Measles, Mumps and Rubella. (Serology result or documented evidence of having had 2 doses of MMR - including dates and batch numbers),
  • Varicella (Chicken Pox) - Serological evidence or documented evidence of having 2 doses including dates and batch numbers,
  • and, we also strongly advise the Influenza vaccination (when it becomes available during Autumn). The flu vaccination is free to all UC staff & students.
  • Covid (Pfizer) vaccinations (Non Medicare card holders are able to access COVID vaccinations through UC Capital Chemist in Building 28).

This information will need to be recorded on the  outlining mandatory vaccinations.

General Precautions

Before having any vaccination, refer to prescribing information, particularly to contra-indications and warnings, and for further details you should see the University Medical Centre.

Before having any immunisations, tell the doctor if you

  • are pregnant or may become so
  • are allergic to anything
  • have an immune problem (eg. if you are taking steroids or cancer drugs, have leukaemia or HIV/AIDS)
  • have had any serious illnesses or operations.

Routine Childhood Immunisation Schedule

Current routine childhood immunisation schedule includes:

  • four doses of Diphtheria/Tetanus/Whooping cough and Polio vaccine;
  • a Diphtheria/Tetanus/Pertussis booster at age 15;
  • a MMR immunisation at 12 months and 4 years;
  • a Hepatitis B immunizations at birth and 2, 4 and 6 months;
  • Pneumococcus at 2, 4 and 6 months;
  • Haemophilus Influenzae and 2, 4, and 6 months;
  • Varicella at 18 months;
  • Meningitis (C strain) at 12 months; and
  • Rotavirus at 2 and 4 months of age.

Travelling overseas - what vaccinations are necessary?

If you are planning to travel, start thinking about recommended immunisations aimed at disease prevention specific to the areas you are intending to visit. Some schedules require a course of vaccinations over a period of weeks to months, so it is important to seek advice early, and not leave it to the the day before departure to organise your immunisations.

UC students and staff can make an appointment at the University Medical Centre for travel vaccinations. Vaccinations for travel are available from the University Medical Centre at very competitive rates for all UC students.

and  are some of the good fact-based websites with plenty of information regarding vaccines and general travel health and safety.

Whilst websites can be very useful, it is still essential to seek advice from either the University Medical Centre, your usual GP, or a travel medicine clinic so that you have the most up-to-date information on how to keep healthily while travelling abroad.

Vaccinations are not the only way to protect yourself from disease - careful attention also needs to be paid to the selection of food and drinks - "WASH IT, PEEL IT, OR COOK IT" is a useful rule of thumb.

When travelling to areas with Malaria and other mosquito borne diseases, you need to take precautions to protect yourself from being bitten. Such measures include selection of clothing (type and colour), to be worn and when (day or night), use of mosquito repellents and barriers (eg. nets) and avoidance of perfumes/aftershaves etc.

Disclaimer: The above information is for information purposes only, and is not designed to replace medical or counselling services. If you need further assistance or information, please contact the University Medical and Counselling Service on (02) 6201 2351.