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Academic Certification Policy
1. Purpose:
  1. This Policy sets out the ÎåÔÂÌìÊÓƵ's (University) principles regarding the contents, production and issuance of academic certification, including testamurs, transcripts and graduation statements.
2. Scope:
  1. This Policy covers all University awards within the , and academic certification provided to students in respect of those awards and the courses leading to those awards.
  2. The document also covers academic certification issued to students who complete one or more units, which may lead to an AQF qualification, without completing the award, honorary degrees and collaborative testamurs.
3. Principles:
  1. Courses and awards at the University comply with the .
  2. The University issues testamurs for the conferral of qualifications within the AQF and honorary degrees. The University may also issue Australian Higher Education Graduation Statements (AHEGS) to students who complete an AQF qualification.
  3. All students, including those who complete only some of the requirements for a qualification, are entitled to receive an academic transcript.
  4. Students who complete only an accredited unit (or units) are entitled to a statement (or statements) of attainment.
  5. Testamurs and AHEGS will be issued in the following circumstances:
    1. where students graduate at an approved ceremony; or
    2. where students do not attend a graduation ceremony and receive their award in absentia; or
    3. posthumously; or
    4. where honorary degrees are conferred (only a testamur will be issued for honorary degrees).
  6. The standard specifications for testamurs, academic transcripts and AHEGS will be as prescribed by the AQF and the . The format of the testamur is approved by Council.
  7. The testamur, AHEGS and academic transcript will contain sufficient information to authenticate the document and reduce fraudulent use.
  8. Testamurs and AHEGS may be forfeited or required to be surrendered in circumstances set out in the Academic Certification Procedures.
  9. Testamurs and AHEGS may be reissued or replaced due to loss, damage or change of name, subject to approval by the Director, Student Connect.
    The release of a testamur, AHEGS and/or academic transcript to a third party will only be in accordance with the Privacy Policy.
    A collaborative testamur will only be issued where a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) or Agreement (MoA) has been signed to confirm the arrangement.
  10. The University will maintain a register of all AQF qualifications it is authorised to issue and also a record of all awards it issues to graduates. See the ÎåÔÂÌìÊÓƵ Courses and Awards (Courses of Study) Rules 2023 for more information.
5. Supporting Information:
  1. The following documents support this Policy
    1. Academic Certification Procedure
    2. Course Policy
    3. )
6. Definitions:
Academic transcript An academic transcript will detail a student's entire enrolment record at the University. It may be issued at any time during progress towards a qualification and will also be issued on graduation.
Australian Higher Education Graduation Statement (AHEGS) A supplementary statement to qualification certification documentation that provides information to enhance understanding of the qualification by students, employers, industry, professional associations and internationally. The Australian Higher Education Graduation Statement is issued only on award of a qualification (AQF Glossary of Terminology).
Graduation ceremony Graduation ceremony is a ceremony for the conferring of awards authorised to be held under rule 8 of the UC Conferring of Awards Rules 2022.
Joint award A joint award is an award granted and conferred on the basis of completion of a joint course under a formal agreement between two or more institutions.
Honorary Award An honorary award is not an AQF qualification. It is usually awarded by an issuing organisation to recognise a person’s public service or service to the organisation, or in recognition of distinguished contribution by the person in a field of academic endeavour (AQF Glossary of Terminology).
Posthumous Posthumous in relation to an award means awarded after the death of the student.
Testamur A testamur is an official certification document that confirms that a qualification has been awarded to an individual. (AQF Glossary of Terminology).