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Journal Publications

Caffery, J. & Hill, D (2018): Expensive English: an accessible language approach for Papua New Guinea agricultural development, Development in Practice, DOI: 10.1080/09614524.2018.1530195

Hill, D. & Unger, P. (2018). Counting by Tens: Specific Counting in Southeast Solomonic Languages. Oceanic Linguistics 57(1), 123-143. University of Hawai'i Press.

Simoncini, K., Pamphilon, B & Simeon, L (2018): The ‘Maria’ books: the achievements and challenges of introducing dual language, culturally relevant picture books to PNG schools, Language, Culture and Curriculum, DOI: 10.1080/07908318.2018.1490745

Gwatirisa, P., Pamphilon, B. & Mikhailovich, K. (2017) Coping with Drought in Rural Papua New Guinea: A Western Highlands Case StudyEcology of Food and Nutrition, DOI: 10.1080/03670244.2017.1352504

Mikhailovich, K., Pamphilon, B., Chambers, B., Simeon, L. & Romero Zapata, J. (2016) Exploring the lives of women smallholder farmers in Papua New Guinea through a collaborative mixed methods approach, Cogent Social Sciences (2016), 2: 1143328

Simoncini, K., Pamphilon, B., & Mikhailovic, K. (2016). Place-based picture books as an adult learning tool: Supporting agriculture learning in Papua New Guinea. adult Learning, 28 (2) 61-68

Mikhailovich, K., Pamphilon, B & Chambers, B. (2015) Participatory visual research with subsistence farmers in Papua New GuineaDevelopment in Practice, 25:7, 997-1010, DOI: 10.1080/09614524.2015.1069260

Pamphilon, B (2015) Weaving knowledges: the development of empowering intercultural learning spaces for smallholder farmers in Papua New GuineaMulticultural Education Review, 7:1-2, pp 108-121, DOI:10.1080/2005615X.2015.1061921

Pamphilon, B., Mikhailovich, K. & Chambers, B. (2014) Training by Papua New Guinea women, for Papua New Guinea women: lessons from the development of a co-constructed course for women smallholder farmersInternational Journal of Lifelong Education; on-line September 4th DOI:10.1080/02601370.2014.952358

Pamphilon, B., Mikhailovich, K., Simeon. L. & Chambers, B. (2013) Two-way learning: key gender lessons from participatory community workshops with smallholders in the Baiyer Valley and Kerevat areas of Papua New Guinea. Socio-economic Agricultural Research in Papua New Guinea Comparative Workshop Proceedings. K. Menz and B. Chambers (Eds). Lae, Papua New Guinea. Australian Centre for Agricultural Research: Canberra.


Pamphilon, B., Mikhailovich, K., Chambers, B., Kurika, K., Ling, E., Omot, N., Simeon, L., Simoncini, K., & Wantum, F. Examining women's business acumen in Papua New Guinea: Working with women smallholders in horticulture. Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research, Canberra. ISBN: 978 1 925747 10 2.

Pamphilon, B. (2019). Improving opportunities for economic development for women smallholders in rural Papua New Guinea. Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research, Canberra. ISBN: 978 1 925746 82 2.

Nema, G (2018). Opening our family's eyes: The PNG 'Family Farm Teams' research report. 五月天视频, Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research and Care International.

Chalmers, B., Omot, N., Pamphilon, B., Tomi, B., Linibi, M., & McGowan, C.(2012). Improving women’s business acumen in PNG: working with women smallholders in horticulture. Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research, Canberra. ISBN: 978 1 922137 00 5.


Success: PNG Women as smallholder farmers, Partners, Australian Centre for Agricultural Research – Issue Two 2018

The Emancipating Power of Working Together, Partners, Australian Centre for Agricultural Research – Issue One 2016

Building Liklik Business in PNG, New Agriculturalist, September 2013

Conference Presentations

Pamphilon, B & Mikhailovich, K (September 12-15, 2017) Bringing together learning from two worlds: Lessons from a gender-inclusive community education approach with smallholder farmers in Papua New GuineaAustralian Council for Adult Literacy 2017 National Conference, Darwin, Australia

Other Publications

Pamphilon B., Mikhailovich K. and Gwatirisa P. 2017. The PNG Family Farm Teams Manual. ACIAR Monograph No. 199. Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research: Canberra. 84 pp.

Pamphilon B. 2017. The farmer-to-farmer adult learning manual: a process and resources for the development of farmers as peer educators. ACIAR Monograph No. 198. Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research: Canberra. 53 pp.

Pamphilon B. and Mikhailovich K. 2016. Building gender equity through a Family Teams approach: a program to support the economic development of women smallholder farmers and their families in Papua New Guinea. ACIAR Monograph No. 194. Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research: Canberra. 36

Pamphilon, B. and Nema, G. 2021. . Centre for Sustainable Communities Monograph Series No. 5. 五月天视频: Canberra. 19 pp.

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