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Cool alumni jobs- the bloggers

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A typical day in Merrymaker land, good question
because there really is no typical day.
One of our more typical days is when we're
creating content for the online site. We would
wake up and we always do some sort of exercise,
except for this morning, well it was raining!
We like walking, yoga, that's a super important
thing for us to have that life-work balance
Then we're at our computers, writing, creating
recipes, cooking, and then we're photographing
the recipes and tweaking the recipes again,
we might make it twice. And then there's pod-casting,
we do lots of interviews. We don't have a
podcast, but we'll get on a lot of podcasts
so we're talking to people all over the world
which is super fun. We're always on Skype
talking to  mentors or other people we collaborate
with. Social media is a huge part of our business,
that's pretty much how we market ourselves.
How we began the business was actually from
an Instagram account and then it grew from
there. So we are always on Instagram, always
posting on Facebook and driving traffic to
our site. Because that's probably the most
important thing about our business is how
many visitors we're getting to the site so
we have a bigger audience, we can be more
interesting to brands and things like that
so we can collaborate with them. And then
we might be doing a bit of project work as
well. So there's all sort of business and
digital stuff, which is writing and keeping
the blog up to date, but we're also now expanding
into more projects like physical products
as well as ebook development, and we're currently
developing an online community, so we like
to batch things, and do project work, BAU
work, writing, photography. But every day
looks different!
Everything is the best! I think the fact that
when we wake up in the morning and we jump
out of bed and we are so excited to get to
our to-do list because we created this, we
have the power over everything, there's no
one telling us what to do, there's no one
saying you have to do this and barking orders
at us, we control it, so we're like 'what
do we want to do today, what do we want to
create?' And I think when you're doing something
you're so passionate about, it just doesn't
feel like work at all, you're living your
purpose and you know 'this is what I'm meant
to be doing', and you're just having fun and
even though there are super hard times and
tough times you just enjoy the whole process
I think. I think because our business is so
based on health, happiness and well being,
the emails and the feedback we get from our
readers is epic! It genuinely feels like we're
changing people's lives through our content
and that makes us even more passionate and
more driven to just keep on providing this
sort of stuff to our readers. There's been
so many highlights! Probably most recently
we just self-published our own hard copy book
which was epic! That's so amazing that we
can actually hold something in our hands and
so 'oh we created this' and people want it.
So that's amazing. And I think just the people
we meet. We meet such amazing people who are
doing crazy things and we're just like, we
would never have met these people if we hadn't
done what we're doing. And we get to travel
a lot too, we just got back from a recent
conference in the Philippines, and that was
just because we wanted to boost our business,
and that's something we never would have done.
It's just crazy what we get up to I think.
And big brand collaborations, that's really
fun as well. We've worked with people like
Reebok, Microsoft, Fitness First, they are
really big brands and they want to work with
us which is kind of like 'wooow, that's kind
of cool'.

The Alumni of the ÎåÔÂÌìÊÓƵ are using what they learnt to do amazing things and change the world in which we live.

In this edition of Cool Alumni Jobs we meet Carla and Emma Papas. The duo- better known as The Merrymaker Sisters– perfectly embody the fit, fun, happy and healthy lifestyle they promote through their hugely popular blog and social media channels.

See what it is like to do what you love and blog for a living, and make sure you read our '7 tips for becoming an online star' from our chat with the girls earlier this year.

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