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Did You Know? 6 Life Tips from the UC Community

Life advice 

Ever suffered from writers block? Or want to know how to stay safe online? We asked members of the 五月天视频 community for their best life hacks to make your life smarter, faster, easier and better!

Start your day off with the perfect breakfast

"Eating the perfect breakfast is a great way to increase your brain function throughout the day and help you reduce your waistline. A breakfast built around carbohydrates is the key to having energy throughout the day and avoiding the dreaded 3pm slump.

Ideally you want something that is low in glycaemic index, which means that it's not high in refined sugar. So you're looking for something like porridge or a whole grain cereal rather than Coco Pops or Fruit Loops.

Round out your breakfast with a piece of fruit and some dairy such as milk on your cereal or a glass of milk."    

Make ethical investments for your future

"From fossil fuel and logging companies which harm the environment, to gambling providers and tobacco companies which affect our society; they all borrow money from banks through our savings and super accounts. But this doesn't have to be the case. Future Super was created as a game changer to make all super funds be fossil fuel free.

If you are concerned about climate change and want to use superannuation or other funds in your bank account to make a different there are three easy steps to do it:

1. Contact your bank or super fund: Let them know that as a customer/member you don't like that they fund things like fossil fuel with your money. Ask them to stop investing in those things, or you will be switching your money. Make sure you wait to get a response, never just switch your funds.

2. Switch your funds: If you're not happy with their response, let your bank and super fund know that you have just switched and the reasons why. If you're switching your bank accounts you should go into the bank and tell the person at the counter the reasons why you are switching and ask them to tell the manager.

3. Tell you friends, family and colleagues: That you have chosen to make a change because your bank or super fund is investing in fossil fuels. Let them know how easy it was, and ask them to do the same.  It's not just a matter of making a small administrative change; it's about making a big deal about it. That's how we make the change."

Stay fit during winter

"You don't even need to leave the house to get active! Even without equipment you can get a great workout in. Clear a space; turn on some music and do a body weight circuit in the warmth and comfort of your lounge room. Choose 5 exercises and rotate through them for 12 repetitions each, repeating the circuit 4 times. 30 minutes of working out and you are done for the day without even leaving home."

Even professional writers have doubt

"I'm lucky to have never suffered seriously from 'writer's block'. I'm a 'planning' writer so I like to map out each book and that's a big help. Other than disorganisation, writer's block comes from fear.

Even after 37 books and with a degree of success, like all writers I still experience the fears of putting one's work and self out there. My solution is to stop worrying about myself and instead to worry about my main character. My job is to help them solve their problems."

Keep healthy at work 

"If your work sees you stuck in a chair, make sure your workstation is set up ergonomically. When using a computer make sure that you:

  • Keep your feet flat on the floor
  • Allow elbows to rest comfortably by your side
  • Keep forearms parallel to the floor
  • Position the top of your monitor at eye level

Prolonged sustained postures such as sitting can cause muscle fatigue and imbalances. This leads to our joints being improperly supported, which increases the risks of aches/pains and injury.

To prevent this make sure you:

  • Take regular breaks every 20 minutes for two to three minutes (also the brain functions optimally for only 20-30 minutes each time!)
  • Get up off your chair and do gentle neck/ back stretches. I promise it will feel good!"

Stay safe online

"From scam emails, to piracy, cryptocurrency and protecting your identity and professional reputation, the internet can be a big, dark and scary place.

As scammers get more elaborate and technically savvy with their communications it is becoming increasingly difficult to spot fake emails from those from a legitimate service provider. While it is easy to know that your cousin hasn't in fact died suddenly in Africa, an unexpected online purchase email can raise an eyebrow or be a cause for concern. 

The best ones that work I think are the ones that look simple and make you think.

In my mind the two most successful ones are the ones with speeding fines, you think 'hmmmm I might have, I better click on it', and the iTunes one. When you get your iTunes receipt it's a really simple plain text with a plain background.

You should also never follow links in a suspicious email, if you want to double check log into your account through your browser instead of following email links. I also recommend that your computer is protected with an anti-virus, anti-phishing, anti-spam package, but with a caveat."

Expert Guides; Life Skills