Dr Rahul Mirchandani

Dr Rahul Mirchandani
鈥淪tudying at UC was the most cherished experience of my lifetime鈥


Since graduating from UC's Business Administration program in 1998, Dr Rahul Mirchandani has been making waves in business communities around the world. Rahul is the Executive Director of Aries Agro Limited, an international agricultural inputs company that manufactures specialty nutrients for plants and animals. Even though he runs an international business, teaches and volunteers, Rahul knows how to stay grounded and is a dedicated family man. Rahul credits the experience and education he gained in UC's Business Administration program with giving him the ability to drive his company's marketing, sales, public relations, finance, and corporate strategy efforts.

While you might imagine Rahul sitting behind a computer most days, he is actually a hands-on businessman who enjoys travelling to remote rural areas of India, meeting distributors, and farmers. Rahul says, "Meeting with them helps us understand their habits, which enables us to design products that are relevant to them." Outside of Aries Agro, Rahul ensures he spends quality time with his family. "Home is my sanctuary. I rarely, if ever, work from home. When I'm home, it's strictly family time," Rahul says.

Rahul has paved the way for youth entrepreneurship and agribusiness, earning dozens of leadership positions and awards over the years. Product innovation and leadership in the Indian agribusiness sector, led Rahul's company to be one of eight selected to meet with US President Barack Obama to discuss Indian agricultural innovation, and he also held an audience with Queen Elizabeth II during Commonwealth Day, 2013 to report on the success of the Commonwealth-Asia Alliance of Young Entrepreneurs which he founded in 2011.

Rahul remembers his days spent on UC's campus fondly. "Studying at UC was undoubtedly the most cherished experience of my lifetime. The University provides a menu of amazing options for a student to choose from. Use your time at UC to make the most out of these and also enjoy the splendid diversity of the International student community. With young people from over 60 countries on campus at any point in time, the friendships and networks that you will create will be invaluable," Rahul says.


Business and Government