Transboundary Pollution: Particulate Matter

By Jin Jang

Global Studies
Dickson College - Year 12
This is a poster about air pollution, in particular, the air pollutant called particulate matter (PM).  The World Health Organisation (WHO) has identified the particulate matter as being carcinogenic to humans. The respiratory system contains organs that are directly affected by PM, so when exposed to PM, deleterious illnesses for lungs and premature death are unavoidable for adults whilst infant mortality rates rise on days with increased PM. Over Northeastern Asia, PM is causing severe damage in China, Korea and Japan. Similarly, overpopulation and industrialisation in South Asia has led to critical PM levels in India, Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan and northern Vietnam. PM is also very harmful near the Arabian Peninsula and the Sahara Desert. It is even spreading across the Pacific to the U.S. Evidently, PM is transboundary pollution, and thus to represent that PM is the problem of every nation, and that it should be resolved through international cooperation, I have titled the poster ‘Transboundary Air Pollution’.Â