
Skate Lock

By Vincent Lotz

Industrial Design
Mosman High School - Year 12
This design was created as part of my HSC Design and Technology (D&T) course. I was fortunate enough to be selected to undertake the accelerated D&T course at Mosman High School, which meant that I completed the year 12 course in 2020, a year ahead of my official year 12 finish. Our brief was to create an innovative product. My goal with this design was to create a product that was both innovative and also solved a real-world problem that I had suffered, a stolen skateboard! I love skateboarding but there is never anywhere to secure it. It turns out hiding it in a bush doesn鈥檛 work 飦. The overall design works well for securing a skateboard. The design would also be easily incorporated into the built environment, alongside bicycle racks etc. The main improvements to the design would be incorporating a design aesthetic to complement the environment in which it is installed - e.g. a wave design for a beachside installation. Incorporating app design into the locking mechanism (like the electric scooters) would improve the design.