My Space

By Kayla Nicklas

Digital Media/Game Design
Kimberley College - Year 12

My artwork features myself preforming different activities around my room in Brisbane. The title ‘My Space’, refers to how my room is my most comfortable environment where I can pursue and be surrounded by all of my interests.

Five representations of myself are shown doing various things that are commonplace for me, reading, painting, drawing, being on my phone, and exercising. Along with the actions the figures are carrying out the details of my room such as the plants and keyboard hint at my interests. My love of art also becomes obvious in the numerous canvases and drawings around my room.

Through this piece I want the audience to see a snapshot of me that is relaxed, carefree and unguarded. When I am by myself, the fears of how I am perceived vanish and I can be whoever I want to be; which is confident and sure of myself. It also communicates the range of my personality in how I approach each activity, showing that I am deeper than the assumptions that may be made about me.

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