
Self Portrait

By Rachael Stalley

Visual Communication Design
Kimberley College - Year 11

I have created this artwork to bring my interests to life, the surrealist acrylic painting conveying a scape setting, juxtaposed with the marine life that surrounds it. I painted myself as a scuba diver, representing my passion for the ocean, along with the whales, dolphins and pirate ships. I value my artwork as it is unique to me. Although I drew inspiration from artists such as Frida Kahlo and her self-portraits, I ensured that the symbolism was personal to me.

It was a challenging painting to complete because I had never created such a large painting before, and the movement was unfamiliar, and out of my comfort zone. I found it difficult to capture myself in the portrait. I definitely think there is room for improvements with painting facial features and I look forward to discovering them in the future.

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