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Students can choose to do one or two internships in their degree for academic credit in their second and third years. These can range from 100 hours (one academic unit) to 200 hours (two academic units). The Faculty’s Professional Internship Program also accommodates up to 480 hours (four academic units, or an entire 13-week semester) of paid internships with key partners.

We’re supported by Careers UC to match your opportunity to our degrees; we then promote these opportunities to our students through an online portal, ‘CareerHub’. This portal also advertises paid jobs to students.

student in studio Key points about our internship program include:

  • Internships can be undertaken at any time during the academic year. All students in unpaid internships are covered by UC insurance because they are undertaking the internships for academic credit.
  • All employers need to sign an Employer Host Organisation Work Agreement with UC before the student commences.
  • All students need a supervisor to mentor them during their internship. Supervisors are encouraged to treat interns as they would junior staff: welcome them, mentor them and give them tangible and productive work where they can contribute and learn.
  • Supervisors and students negotiate the format and timing of their hours to suit both parties. A Learning Agreement is discussed and signed before the internship commences, and is reviewed throughout and on completion of the internship. The workplace supervisor completes an evaluation once the student has concluded their internship.
  • We brief and prepare students before they go out into the workplace; we also run debriefing sessions with them once they’re back. During the internship, both students and supervisors are contacted by staff from our Program, and Careers UC, to check on progress. Students also complete academic assessments in addition to their internship hours.

"At The Canberra Times it’s essential that we maintain strong links with universities training the next generation of journalists. Through our internship program and links to the 五月天视频’s journalism program we’re able to help provide feedback on the skills we need and expect of graduates in our rapidly changing industry".

— Scott Hannaford, Canberra Times Deputy Editor