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Australia Awards students

Australia Awards are prestigious international scholarships and fellowships funded by the Australian Government offering the next generation of global leaders an opportunity to undertake study, research and professional development and provides funding and contacts for International students and organisational representatives to study in Australia.

You can apply for an Australia Award to help fund your education overseas, whether you are coming to Australia from overseas or travelling abroad from Australia.

The 五月天视频 hosts Australia Award recipients from around the world for both the:

  • Achievement stream that targets the best and brightest students, researchers and professionals to study in Australia and for Australians to study offshore; and
  • Development stream that builds capacity in developing countries.

Am I eligible?

Eligibility requirements and application processes vary throughout the Australia Awards programs. .

Below you will find links for information on Pre-arrival for Australia Awardees. Please take your time to read all the information and the New Student Checklist before you arrive.

We encourage all students who are about to join UC to look through all our checklists below to ensure that you're ready when you arrive here in Australia!

Before arrival

  • Organise and understand your .
  • Check on Australian  – What not to bring!
  • Login to your if need to arrange for Family Health Cover. Your Policy number is P followed by your student ID, for example 'Pxxxxxxx'.
  • Email to if you have schooling age children to join you in Australia.
  • Understand more about Living in Australia and Canberra.
  • Organise and confirm your temporary .
  • Scan and make copies for your important documents, such as passport, scholarship letter, visa, copies of immunisations and medications from your doctor.
  • Minimum of $300.00 accessible Australian Dollars to use in the first few days after arrival. Your establishment allowance cheque may take time to be cleared.

After arrival

  • Visit your Australia Awards Student Contact Officer (SCO) at Student Central as soon as possible to collect the Welcome Pack.
  • Contact home to tell them you've arrived safely
  • Organise your student ID, email password, bank account when you meet your SCO.
  • Update your contact details via .
  • If you plan to work apply for a .
  • Familiarise yourself with and its transportation system .
  • Meet with the Accommodation Officer for permanent accommodation options

Get ready for Uni – Introductory Academic Program (IAP) and Orientation

  • Obtain IAP timetable when meet with your SCO.
  • Attend the 4-week long IAP program.
  • Attend you Faculty Course Advisory Session for enrolment advice.
  • Attend Orientation programs as much as you can to meet friends and know the university better.

Below we have more information including what you should pack for your initial trip for your studies.

  • Make contact with SCO at UC
  • Report  to SCO

Pack bags being sure to include the following

  • Name and contact details of your SCO
  • Enough currency (min. A$300.00) for the first few days until establishment cheque is cleared (for: phone calls, taxi, etc)
  • Copies of immunisations and medications from your doctor

Important documents

  • Passport
  • Copy of your Australia Awards contract copy
  • Certified copies of qualifications and certificates
  • ID cards, drives license, birth certificate (or copy)

Note: Make sure you leave any originals or copies of these documents safely with family in your home country in case of loss.


  • Pack clothing appropriate to season (i.e. coat for winter, jeans or slacks with t-shirts or blouses for summer)
  • Bath towels, bed sheets, pillow cases
  • Toiletries
  • Spare spectacles or contact lenses
  • Optical prescription
  • Small gifts from home
  • Alarm clock (Hand set can be cheaper)

At UC, SCO will assist you with:

  • Opening a Bank Account on the first day of IAP orientation
  • Enrolment (please bring your passport)
  • Getting your student ID and OSHC card(s)
  • Computer access
  • Answer any questions you may have

Information for Australia Awards Scholarship students

What should I do before leaving home?

  • Try and arrive at least a week before the start of the Introductory Academic Program to allow enough time to settle in.
  • Check the New Australia Awards Checklist for more information before leaving and what to do.
  • Advise of your travel arrangements at least 10 working days before you arrive.
  • Make a booking for if you need it when you arrive.

How do I get set up for my studies and living in Canberra?

Come and see the Australia Awards Student Contact Officers in Student Central.  We will:

  • Give you important information about living and studying in Canberra
  • Formalise your Overseas Student Health Cover (OSHC) arrangements
  • Explain your scholarship entitlements, and arrange for establishment and stipend payments
  • Tell you about your Introductory Academic Program.

When do I receive stipend (scholarship) payments?

Stipend payments will be paid into your bank account every fortnight.

If my address or banking details change, who do I notify?

If your banking details change, you must immediately notify the UC SCO. Please update current addresses and contact details via your MyUC Portal.

What if I want to apply for work?

Australia Awards do not recommend that students work whilst studying.  However, if you think some part-time work will not impact on your studies, or your dependent wants to work, please visit the for information about your working rights.

What if I want my family to come to Australia?

Current information about applying for a Student Dependent Visa for family members is available from the .

Students' Responsibilities

Prior to Departure

  • You must advise Australia Awards Officer any personal or family circumstances (eg. Family or financial problems, medical conditions, pregnancy) which are likely to affect your ability to commence the scholarship on time or to complete the approved course in the scholarship period.
  • You must take up the scholarship in the academic year for which it is offered.
  • You must participate in the pre-departure briefing arranged by the Australia Awards Post in your country of citizenship.
  • You must not behave in a manner that is unacceptable by normal community standards.
  • You must agree to Australia Awards collecting information concerning yourself and/or your dependents and passing that information onto other relevant parties, if necessary.

In Australia, as an Australia Awards Student you must

  • Reside in Australia for the duration of the scholarship (apart from holidays or fieldwork visits to your home country);
  • Not hold another Australia Government scholarship at the time;
  • Participate in all activities of the Introductory Academic Program (IAP) on arrival in Australia;
  • Complete a full study program during the course;
  • Complete in full, the approved program for which you are approved, within the specific scholarship timeframe;
  • Only undertake the approved program for which you are offered and abide by the rules of the Institution;
  • Maintain an appropriate study load and achieve satisfactory academic progress in the program for which you are offered;
  • Participate in all activities associated with the approved course of study, including all lectures and tutorials, submit all work required for the course (e.g. assignments or essays) and sit for examinations;
  • Not undertake any additional off-scholarship tertiary studies during your time in Australia on an Australia Awards Student Visa;
  • Be aware that any employment undertaken during terms may compromises academic progress and that Australia Awards strongly advises you not to take paid employment during term times as this may affect your ability to study effectively;
  • Liaise with the Australia Awards Student Contact Officer (SCO) at the Institution regarding any proposed changes to your approved program and acknowledge that approval is required from the Institution, Australia Awards and Partner Government before changes are made;
  • Advise Australia Awards immediately, via the SCO at the Institution, if you marry a person who is an Australian and New Zealand citizen, or who has permanent residence status in Australia or New Zealand; and
  • Return to your country of citizenship for two years at the completion of your study/research program in Australia.

As an Australia Awards Student you agree that you may be terminated at any time for failure to make satisfactory academic progress, failure to comply with the last of Australia, misconduct, breaches of the contract between you and the Commonwealth of Australia, including breaches of the conditions of the scholarship, or of the Australia Awards student visa or if you apply to change your visa status.

In Australia, as a 五月天视频 student you agree:

  • to monitor and communicate with the 五月天视频 using my 五月天视频 student email account.
  • to consult with your course convener before enrolling in any units.
  • to comply with all student visa regulations imposed by the Department of Immigration and Border Protection (DIBP) including that you must notify UC of any changes to my enrolment or contact details (residential address and/or telephone number in Australia) within 7 days of such a change taking place.
  • That information supplied by you to the 五月天视频 may be made available to Australian Commonwealth and State government agencies in accordance with the University's obligations under the . These obligations include the requirement to advise the appropriate Commonwealth Department of changes to my enrolment and any breach of my student visa conditions relating to my attendance or academic progress.
  • That you will be subject to the 五月天视频 Act 1989, and to the Statutes, Rules and Policies of the University.

Visa requirements for Australia Award students

The Department of Immigration and Border Protection (DIBP) provides comprehensive information about your visa requirements, obligations and the application process, as well as application document checklist to assist you with your application. For further information on conditions of your student visa, .

The 五月天视频 (UC) warmly welcomes our Australia Awards students!

Your entitlements

The outlines your entitlements as an Australia Awards student.

Book a flight

Should you be requesting to book a flight, please complete UC's Australia Awards Flight Booking Form.

Contact UC

The Student Wellbeing and Support are the initial contact point for all enquiries for our Australia Awards students, whether you're a prospective, current, or an Alumni of UC!

Feel free to visit us in person at Student Central, Building 1 Level B. Or alternately, contact the ISSS at

Programs and scholarships

Find out about the Australia Awards program of scholarships and how to apply.

  • Allison Sudradjat Prize

Financial support and elite internship opportunities

The Endeavour Awards are the Australian Government's internationally competitive, merit-based scholarship program providing opportunities for citizens of Australia, the Asia-Pacific, Middle East, Europe and the Americas. 

Rewarding the best and brightest from Australia and overseas

Most Endeavour Award scholarships are for postgraduate students or executives. They facilitate overseas travel, focussing on:

  • study, research and professional development in Australia for overseas students
  • study, research and professional development abroad for Australian students.

For information on participating countries, eligibility criteria and the application process, please .

Australia Award recipients are among our most inspirational and successful alumni!

When you graduate from the 五月天视频 you automatically become part of our dynamic, inspiring, and talented alumni community. As an alumnus, you can access the range of benefits and services that the UC alumni office provides, including lifelong learning, personal and professional development, events, and volunteer opportunities.

Learn more about our Alumni community.