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Return to Australia to study

During the disruption of COVID-19, arrangements were made to allow international students to remain outside of Australia and study online.

With international borders re-opening and overseas students once again able to travel to Australia for study, the has recently announced that these arrangements no longer apply, and all universities must return to compliance with the requirements in 2023.

This means that by 1 July 2023, students holding a student visa should be in Australia, ready to commence face-to-face learning for Semester 2 2023. Late enrolment requests will not be supported.

Frequently asked questions:

  1. Does this information apply to me?

    This applies to all international student visa holders, commencing and continuing, who are currently outside Australia.

  2. When do I need to be back in Australia?

    All international student visa holders must return for on-campus study by 1st July 2023.

  3. What if I am studying last semester of my course/ completing my course before July 2023?

    No action is required for students completing their course before 1st July 2023, however, we highly encourage all students to study on campus for Semester 1 2023. If you are planning to study offshore for Semester 1 2023, please check unit availability with your faculty.

  4. What support is available for international students at the university?

    The Student Wellbeing and Support team comprises International Student Advisors and Wellbeing Advisors. As your first point of contact for any concern or challenge, our team are here to provide you with individualized support and information on a range of matters including targeted orientation and transition support, cultural adjustment, advice and guidance on studying in Australia and visa requirements.

  5. What do to next?

    If you are currently offshore, make plans to travel to Australia. Refer to this link for more information.

  6. What if my CoE has finished and I need new CoE for visa purpose?

    Obtain your study plan from faculty and arrange Health insurance, apply for new CoE here.

  7. What to do if I have no visa to travel?

    Apply for visa online and make travel plans once visa is granted.

  8. What are the travel requirements I need to consider?

    Refer to this link for updated information.

  9. How long can I study online?

    You must return back to campus by 1st July 2023. Please note there may be possible implications for your student visa should you choose not to study onshore in Australia after 30 June 2023.

  10. Can I apply for temporary graduate visa while offshore?

    Contact for more information.

  11. Can I start my course online?

    Yes, if you are unable to travel to Australia, you can study online. However, we highly encourage you to start your course in Australia. Please note there may be possible implications for your student visa should you choose not to study onshore in Australia after 30 June 2023.

  12. What if I have already completed more than a third of my course online?

    The ESOS requirement to study on campus, applies after 1st July 2023. From this date, you must be in Australia and continuing your study on campus. Please note there are possible implications for your student visa should you choose not to study onshore in Australia after 30 June 2023.

  13. I hold an Australian student visa and only have one unit (or one study period) left to finish my degree after 30 June 2023. Is it practical to expect me to return to Australia?
  14. The purpose of an Australian student visa is to study in Australia. You may decide it is not practical to complete the remainder of your studies in Australia and may choose to transition your enrolment to complete the remainder of your studies online and offshore (if that option is available for your course) after June 2023. Should you wish to do this please contact our team at to discuss your options.

    Please note there are possible implications for your student visa should you choose not to study onshore in Australia after 30 June 2023.

  15. What if I can’t get back to Australia because it is not safe or not practical?

    We will accept the following reasons for it not being safe or practical to return to Australia:

    • Province still in lockdown
    • Home government travel restrictions
    • Health or medical conditions where travel is a high risk
    • Safety concerns with regards to travel from particular regions, i.e. for political reasons

    Evidence supporting your reason must be provided to our team for assessment. Contact and outline the reason that you cannot return and attach any relevant supporting documentation.

  16. What if I want to defer my studies?

    If you wish to apply for a period of intermission, please see this link for more information.

  17. I am impacted by the Australian Government's requirement for travelers flying from China, Hong Kong and Macau to show evidence of a negative pre-departure test for COVID-19. What should I do in this instance?
  18. The 五月天视频 recognises that this Australian Government requirement, and the public health situation in China, may have impacts on your capacity to travel to Australia to commence or continue your studies.

    If these requirements effect you, please contact our team to discuss the most appropriate course of action for your studies.