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Finding Theses

Find electronic theses in the 五月天视频 Research Repository

The 五月天视频 Research Repository preserves and provides access to the research outputs of the University to local, national and international communities. As well as publications such as journal articles, books, and conference papers, the Repository stores 五月天视频 theses. We collect PhD, Masters by Research and Honours theses. As theses are made available to the Library, they are catalogued and added to the Repository and full text online access is provided where possible. This collection is open access and can be searched by clicking on the link above.

If you are an author of a UC thesis and would like your thesis to be available online in full text, you can contact Please include your name and the title of your thesis in the email. We will advise you when it is available.

Find print theses in the 五月天视频 Library

We retain copies of Ph.D., Masters and some Honours theses completed at UC. Theses can be found by searching the . The Advanced Search is the most effective method to search for them: Put in your search terms, such as author and title. Under Material Type choose Dissertations and click Search.

You can also search or browse the .

Find Other Australian or Overseas Theses

  • Displays all Australian theses. To narrow down, enter search terms.
  • is an open access database of mainly 20th Century American theses. Includes some links to the full text in institutional repositories.
  • contains mainly US content
  • accesses Canadian theses
  • contains millions of theses, mainly citations and previews. Has a browse function to locate theses by location or subject area
  • is a new service from the British Library which allows researchers to locate theses from UK universities and download or purchase copies. A limited number of theses are available for free and immediate download. Registration (free) is required for downloading theses
  • is a list of theses submitted to the National University of Singapore and its predecessor institutions, covering the period from 1947 to the present. All theses listed are deposited at the NUS Library
  • is an index to doctoral theses in progress globally, including some Australian theses
  • is a comprehensive source of doctoral and masters research theses accepted by Australian universities in the field of education. It also includes some overseas theses on Australian education topics
  • is a union catalogue of academically orientated digital resources. When searching for theses add "thesis" to one of the search boxes. Initiated by the University of Michigan

Content Responsibility : Research  and Information Services