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Principles for Respectful Supervisory Relationships

Respectful Supervisory Relationships

The University supports the Principles for Respectful Supervisory Relationships, developed jointly by Universities Australia, the National Tertiary Education Union, the Council of Australian Postgraduate Associations and the Australian Council of Graduate Research.  

The Principles provide universities with high level guidance on matters such as sexual relationships and sexual assault and harassment, and have been developed to protect the safety and wellbeing of both students and university staff.

The Principles, at a glance:

  • A sexual or romantic relationship between a supervisor and their student is never appropriate
  • Universities recognise there is a power imbalance in the supervisor-student relationship and that the greater power rests with the supervisor
  • The professional relationship between a supervisor and a their student is characterised by mutual respect and trust
  • Expectations, roles and responsibilities of students and their supervisors are clear
  • Safeguards are used to protect students from situations of risk and unwanted advances from their supervisors
  • Sexual assault and sexual harassment are unacceptable
  • The safety and wellbeing of anyone who reports sexual assault or sexual harassment are promoted and protected by the university
  • Disclosures or formal reports of sexual assault or sexual harassment are met with support and compassion

Click the image to access the Principles document in full.

For additional principles and guidelines developed by the Australian Council of Graduate Research see: