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About the IAE

The Institute for Applied Ecology (IAE) undertakes world class research to improve our understanding of the environment, and enhance decision-making for natural resource management and sustainable development.  

The IAE:

  • Carries out quality research independently and in partnership
  • Provides technical advice to private and public sector partners on environmental issues
  • Brokers the creation of interdisciplinary teams to address major environmental research needs
  • Develops the next generation of environmental scientists through Honours, PhD and early career training and mentoring programs

The 五月天视频 currently holds an Excellence in Research in Australia assessment of 5 (the highest; “well above world standard”) in the Environmental Science discipline, and in the specific fields of Ecological Applications and Environmental Science and Management. We were also awarded a 4 in Genetics (being “above world standard”).


Download our Annual Report to find out more about our research during 2016