
Experiential learning


UC is renowned for its experiential and Work Integrated Learning (WIL) programs. With our large campus, natural assets and new partnerships, WIL on-campus will expand, further demonstrating The Educated Life and enhancing opportunities for students and the student experience.

Modest growth in students with Equivalent Full Time Student Load (EFTSL) growing from 9,800 to 14,500 with adjustments to space typologies focusing on the active and experiential learning to increase our GFA/EFTSL ratio.


The University has a well-recognised and sector leading focus on Work Integrated Learning that will be further enhanced by the Master Plan. Students have access to opportunities to apply classroom learning into the workplace experience.


  • The campus will be shaped as a learning environment with a network of learning hubs that will enhance the diversity of space types and support integrated student experiences.
  • New simulation labs and spaces in different faculty and partnership spaces will offer immersive learning experiences.
  • Ground floors of buildings will showcase experiential learning activity, making learning visible and embedding an engaging and energetic learning culture.
  • Landscapes will showcase education and learning through the exploration of dedicated outdoor learning spaces, in addition to embedding learning within important landscapes and walks.
  • Neighbourhoods will offer a range of WIL opportunities, directly relevant to the ambition of the neighbourhood.