
Learning neighbourhoods


With its focus on high-quality teaching, learning and research for students and the broader community, the campus will be integrated into neighbouring districts. The community will be invited into the campus to enjoy the rich learning environment, as well as the services that it offers.

Lively learning neighbourhoods and walks will form the urban structure of the campus, supporting The Educated Life philosophy. The campus core will remain at the heart of the model, linked to satellite partnership hubs of health, wellness, sports, housing and enterprise.


In 2015, the University launched its vision for The Educated Life, as a leading example of how a modern, world-ranked university transformed its physical surroundings to create an integrated living, learning and working community. Our new Master Plan continues this journey, building upon previous strategies and experiences over the last ten years.


Each neighbourhood will have a network of distinctive urban characteristics, supporting hubs of knowledge and connected by integrated learning walks and corridors. Its configuration will ensure the students learning and research spaces are celebrated and showcase what UC does well.

The University will extend their lifelong learning ethos to businesses, government agencies and community groups to build a campus of educators and thought leaders with a mindset of collective problem solving.

  • The campus core will continue to be the lively and engaging heart of the community. A new covered pavilion-like structure will form the centrepiece, creating a continuous learning hub and events space between Buildings 1 and 8.
  • The health neighbourhood will encompass intensive Centres of Excellence in tertiary health care, aged care, rehabilitation, early childhood development and research. It will provide new facilities for learning and research, alongside associated enterprise development.
  • The sports neighbourhood will support elite athletes and associated research and attract community sports and organisations in line with UC Sport’s mission to encourage and promote health and wellness activities. New and enhanced facilities will support both elite and community sports, inviting the community on-campus to engage with our sporting elite.
  • The local centre and enterprise neighbourhood will be anchored by a light rail station. It will attract a series of commercial, retail and hospitality focused partners, embedding experiential learning opportunities. The urban setting will complement existing offerings in the Belconnen Town Centre.
  • The residential neighbourhood continue our vision for a living, learning and working community on campus. It will provide opportunities for partnerships to deliver a diverse mix of housing for the region.