
Street character


The campus will have a street character defined by its unique bush setting. Street legibility and pedestrian and cyclist movement will be prioritised, alongside streetscapes that enable clear wayfinding.


  • A legible street character will restructure the internal road network into:
    • Primary streets that accommodate main vehicular access with a distinct boulevard character. These will have sufficient width and space for buses to operate along its length and operate as 2-lane slow speed streets with generous pedestrian footpaths and well-landscaped verges.
    • Secondary streets which supplement primary streets by providing internal access to periphery car parks and dedicated neighbourhood drop-off points. Focus will be on pedestrian and cyclist connections that create slower speed streets in a more intimate scale.
    • Local streets that will primarily service campus buildings and allow for vehicular access to the campus core. Footpaths will be upgraded with a consistent surface treatment, width, and provision of shade.
    • Shared/slow streets that prioritise pedestrian movement and safety through the slowing of traffic with an increased focus on pedestrian amenity. Servicing vehicles may need to operate one-way during certain hours permitted, to maintain the narrow street environment.
  • Introduce numbered street addresses across campus.
  • Car parks and streets should be well planted with adequate areas for permeable paving and planting. These measures will reduce run-off, increase tree and garden viability and reduce radiant heat in summer.
  • Pedestrian circulation, footpaths and crossings should be incorporated into car park design to increase amenity and safety.
  • On street parking should be considered to promote activity and short-term parking.